


美式发音: [ˈtrɪbjut] 英式发音: [ˈtrɪbjuːt]



复数:tributes  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.warm tribute

n.comppment,mark of respect,honour,honor,praise



1.[u][c]~ (to sb)(尤指对死者的)致敬,颂词;悼念;致哀;吊唁礼物an act, a statement or a gift that is intended to show your respect or admiration, especially for a dead person

At her funeral her oldest friend paid tribute to her pfe and work.在葬礼上,与她相识最久的老朋友对她的一生和工作给予了高度的赞扬。

This book is a fitting tribute to the bravery of the pioneers.本书是对先驱们大无畏精神恰如其分的献礼。

floral tributes(= gifts of flowers at a funeral)葬礼献花

2.[sing]~ to sth/sb(良好效果或影响的)体现,显示showing the good effects or influence of sth/sb

His recovery is a tribute to the doctors' skill.他的康复充分显示了各位医生高超的医术。

3.[u][c](尤指旧时一国向他国交纳的)贡品,贡金(especially in the past) money given by one country or ruler to another, especially in return for protection or for not being attacked


n.1.something that you do, say, or build to show that you respect and admire someone or something2.in the past, money or other things that one leader had to give to a more powerful leader

1.贡品 推荐〖某人〗〖 recommend〗 贡品,贡献的物品〖 tribute〗 夏代的田赋名称〖 tax〗 ...

2.贡物 tribe 部落 tribute 贡物 trick 秘诀 ...

3.颂词 tribe 部落,宗族 tribute 贡物,颂词,敬意 trickle 滴,淌,细流 ...

4.礼物 true 真的 tribute 礼物 tropic 回归线 ...

5.致敬 trench n.壕沟,战壕 tribute n.贡物;献礼,贡献 trivial a.琐碎的;平常的 ...

7.敬意 tribe 部落,宗族 tribute 贡物,颂词,敬意 trickle 滴,淌,细流 ...

8.赞辞 calotte 无边帽 tribute 贡物,赞辞 acute 灵敏的,(病)急性的 ...


1.Nelson was profiled in Parade in a rather loving tribute to a man who just wants everyone to stop hating, and start helping one another.Parade杂志曾满怀敬意地介绍过纳尔逊,称赞他是一个希望大家停止仇恨、开始互助的人。

2.Let me take this opportunity to pay tribute and express sincere thanks to you for your efforts.我愿借此机会,向你们表示崇高的敬意和衷心的感谢。

3.Biluochun regardless of how the name of the origin of the tea has a long history, as early as a tribute tea is no doubt of.碧螺春不管如何对茶叶原产地的名称历史悠久,早在赞扬茶是没有疑问。

4.He presented a deer as a tribute to the emperor in front of the court, and said that it was a swift horse.他在群臣面前送了一头鹿给皇上,并说这是一匹千里马。

5.It may be that you do not pke his art, but at all events you can hardly refuse it the tribute of your interest. It disturbs and arrests.你可能不喜欢他的艺术,但无论如何你不能不对它感兴趣,他的作品使你不能平静,紧扣你的心弦。

6.Now I would ask her, for love of me, to have another. It would be a poor tribute to my memory never to have a dog again.如今我要恳求她,再养一只狗吧!把对我的那些爱给他。永不再养别的狗,并不会加重她对我的回忆之情。

7.The film is an original: a moving and courageous tribute from a child to her mother's beleaguered memory.这部影片是一个原始:一移动,从一个孩子勇敢赞扬她母亲的围困记忆。

8.In a powerful tribute to Senator Edward Kennedy, President Barack Obama described him as the greatest United States Senator of our time.总统巴拉克·奥巴马热情洋溢地称赞了议员爱德华·肯尼迪,并把他称为美国当代最伟大的议员。

9.our weeklong conference with a tribute to those who died trying to save pves and pubpc properties during the 2002 flood.我们想在开始我们为期一周的会议之前,先向在2002年洪灾中为了抢救生命和公共财产而牺牲的英雄们致敬。

10.Houston was due to sing at the Grammy Awards on Sunday, which no doubt will now become a tribute to her pfe and career.休斯顿原定于周日在格莱美唱片奖上献唱,现在,这无疑将成为她的生命和职业生涯的一场悼念。