




1.我想成为你的朋友 How do I get there? 我该怎么走? I want to be your friend. 我想成为你的朋友。 ...

2.我想做你们的朋友 I want to be your friend. 我想做你们的朋友。 I hope we can meet. 我希望能认识你们。 ...

3.我想要当你的朋友 ... I want to be your friend. 我想要当你的朋友. I want to go swimming. 我想要去游泳. ...


1.I'm Kevin Qin, just graduated from College of Foreign Languages in Qufu Normal University. I want to be your friend.我叫秦显悦,刚刚毕业于曲阜师范大学外国语学院,希望和你们成为好朋友!

2.I'm glad to meet you here, I want to be your friend, not just your teacher!很高兴在这里与你们见面,我想成为你们的朋友,而不仅仅是老师!

3.A circle is round. It has no end. That is how long, I want to be your friend.圈子是圆的,它没有尽头。如我对你的友情,到天长地久!

4.Therefore, never say, "You're from America so I want to be your friend. "因此,千万不要说,“因为你来自美国,所以我想和你交朋友。”

5.I want to be your friend If your you want!如果你喜欢,我想做你的朋友。

6.I want to be your friend again, So please come.我想再做你的朋友,所以请你来我家。

7.I want to be your friend, so I will lend you the money without any profit.我要交你这个朋友,所以我愿意无息借钱给你。

8.I want to be your friend forever.我要永远做你的朋友。

9.Jane, I want to be your friend. You don't know what you're saying. You are too excited. Go to your room and pe down. '简,我想做你的朋友,你不明白你都说了些什么。你太激动了,回房里躺下歇会儿吧。

10.I want to be your friend, too.我也想做你的朋友。