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n.1.【姓氏】拉塞尔; 罗素2.拉塞尔3.Bertrand Russell 贝特兰罗素4.【男名】男子名1.【姓氏】拉塞尔; 罗素2.拉塞尔3.Bertrand Russell 贝特兰罗素4.【男名】男子名

1.罗素罗素 Russell 常用名罗素(Russell)为英国男子的常用名,意为“勇敢的人”或“红色的小动物”。罗素家族罗素家族是与斯坦利家族 …

2.拉塞尔参观拉塞尔(Russell)的庞帕里尔屋(Pompalper House)――一座夯筑的天主教堂。www.historic.org.nz徒步观赏哈鲁鲁瀑布(Harur…

3.拉赛尔拉赛尔RUSSELL)纯无纺系列 弗雷克(FRAKER)无纺+pvc面系列 普利奥(PRIO)纯无纺系列 斯蒂芬.B(STEPHEV.B) …

4.罗塞尔但罗塞尔(Russell)很快把话题(Topic)转开,称在这场引人注目的初赛前,只有把抱怨环境的心情化为上进的力量,才是成功的 …

5.鲁塞尔  19年,鲁塞尔(Russell)首先报导卵巢上有子宫内膜异位,到1921年桑普森(Sampson)经过临床和病理检察,定下了盆腔子宫内 …

6.罗素公司罗素公司(Russell)看出这一点,因此打算在2005年6月推出罗素小型股指数(Russell Microcap Index),追踪市场上最大4000支 …

7.罗索3.罗索(Russell)杯 :峇株华仁中学 4.刘徽杯 :新山宽柔中学 (乙)澳洲数学赛中学中阶组 1.澳洲数学赛中学中阶组常年 …


1.But with a bit of luck and timing, the Jack Russell terrier was home Wednesday, none the worse for wear. Ditto his owner.凭着一点幸运和恰逢合适的时机,这只杰克罗赛尔小狗周三回了家,没有任何伤痛,它的主人亦是如此。

2.Her older friend and mentor, Lady Russell, acting in place of Anne's late mother, persuades her to break the engagement.她的年长的朋友及导师,罗素夫人,也就是安娜后来的母亲,劝说她解除婚约。

3.As Conservation International president Russell Mittermeier says, "You've got to see it to save it. "就如“保护国际”的主席罗素·米特迈尔所说:“你要去观察才能去拯救。”

4.Commander Tony Russell of the U. S. Coast Guard said the mud was stopping some oil and gas.美国海岸警卫队少校拉塞尔(TonyRussell)说泥浆止住了部分石油和天然气的泄漏。

5.Britney: My first big break was the Mickey Mouse Club . It was so much fun and I got to work with Keri Russell.布兰妮:我第一次放大假是在米老鼠俱乐部。玩得很高兴,我还和凯莉·罗素一起工作。

6.Some of the people following our discussion are no doubt famipar with one of those antinomies under the name of Russell's paradox.有些听我们讨论的人无疑对这些悖论中的一个,即罗素悖论,是熟悉的。

7.He was in the editing phase of his latest movie, "The Next Three Days, " a thriller starring Russell Crowe, in an office in SoHo.他的新电影《未来三天》是由罗素·克劳主演的惊悚片,目前正在剪辑阶段,所以他在家办公。

8.Sales in London were described as "volatile" by John Russell, chief executive, which he blamed on the uncertain economy.ManganeseBronze首席执行官约翰-罗素(JohnRussell)称,伦敦的销售“动荡不定”,并将此归咎于不稳定的经济。

9.The Russell Group of 20 research-led universities, which includes Oxford and Cambridge, said the funding gap would be "really challenging" .由牛津大学(Oxford)和剑桥大学(Cambridge)等20所研究型大学组成的罗素联盟(RussellGroup)表示,资金缺口将“非常严峻”。

10.Russell said the leaders will also talk about strengthening cooperation on nuclear nonpropferation, peacekeeping and human rights issues.拉塞尔说,两国领导人还将就加强双方在核不扩散、维和及人权问题上的合作进行会谈。