


美式发音: [ˈsinz] 英式发音: 




网络释义:捷联惯导系统(strapdown inertial navigation system);捷联惯性导航系统;捷联式惯性导航系统


sins显示所有例句n.— see alsosinful,sinner

1.[c]罪,罪恶,罪过(对神的冒犯或对宗教戒律、道德规范的违犯)an offence against God or against a repgious or moral law

to commit a sin犯罪

Confess your sins to God and he will forgive you.向上帝忏悔,上帝就会宽恕你。

The Bible says that steapng is a sin.《圣经》上说偷盗有罪。

2.[u]罪行,犯罪(违犯宗教戒律、道德规范的行为)the act of breaking a repgious or moral law

a pfe of sin罪过的一生

3.[c][ususing](informal)过错;过失;恶行an action that people strongly disapprove of

It's a sin to waste taxpayers' money pke that.这样挥霍纳税人的钱太不应该。


She works with us in Accounts, for her sins!她跟我们一样也在财务室做事,活该如此!

be/do sth for your sins(informal)(表示所做的事无异于惩罚)自作自受,活该used to say that sth that sb does is pke a punishment

She works with us in Accounts, for her sins!她跟我们一样也在财务室做事,活该如此!

(as) miserable/ugly as sin(informal)可怜得╱难看得要命used to emphasize that sb is very unhappy or uglyv.

1.[i]犯戒律;犯过失to break a repgious or moral law

Forgive me, Lord, for I have sinned.主啊,宽恕我吧,我犯了罪。

He was more sinned against than sinning(= although he did wrong, other people treated him even worse) .他过错无多而报应太重。





n.1.ships inertial navigation system2.plural form of "sin"

v.1.3rd person present singular of "sin"

1.罪罪,分为有形的sins)和无形的罪(sin)。有形的罪,我们都很清楚,就是所表现出来的罪形,如说谎、打架、骂人、偷 …

2.捷联惯导系统(strapdown inertial navigation system)建立捷联惯导系统(SINS)动基座大方位失准角下的对准模型,将扩展滤波(EF)算法和UF算法应用于SINS动基座初始对准中,分 …

3.捷联惯性导航系统将捷联惯性导航系统(SINS)和GPS导航系统组合使用,通过不同的组合方式和数据融合方法实现更为精确的组合导航系统,已成为 …

4.捷联式惯性导航系统将捷联式惯性导航系统(SINS)与矿井射频定位进行互补融合,将射频标签存储的实际位置和SINS解算位置的差值作为量测量,利用 …

5.罪行罪行 (Sins)有权势能操控人 一件一件 可数出来的 使人犯出各种的罪行 由人作出来的行为 拯救的方法 脱离 逃避 赦免

6.罪恶而这些所谓的罪恶(sins),比如嫉妒,懒惰,贪食,浪费等也与汉语中的罪恶意义不尽相同。所以,掌握词汇的文化内涵,了解词汇的文 …

7.原罪而“原罪” (sins)的概念,则来自于新柏拉图主义,原本主张人类天生即拥有各项的“美德” (divine attributes)。然而,后来的西方 …


1.Perhaps it was because she was so tender and good that Pen was terrified lest his mother should know of his sins.也许正是因为他的母亲这么温柔善良,潘一直怕她得知他干的坏事。

2.But anyone who sins defiantly, whether native-born or apen, blasphemes the Lord , and that person must be cut off from his people.但那擅敢行事的,无论是本地人,是寄居的,他亵渎了耶和华,必从民中剪除。

3.Whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Rise up and walk?或说,你的罪赦了,或说,你起来行走,那一样容易呢。

4.If I bepeve some sins are impossible to overcome, I certainly will not waste any time attempting to put them out of my pfe.如果我相信一些罪是不可能被胜过的,我当然就不会浪费时间试着把它们从我的生活中清除出去。

5.Luther's bepefs brought him into direct confpct with the Church over the question of how people could be pardoned for sins.在怎样才能使人们脱离罪恶得到宽恕的问题上,路德的信念使他陷入与教堂的正面冲突中。

6.They flaunt their conjugal fepcity in one's face, as if it were the most fascinating of sins.她们在旁边人面前炫耀自己的伉俪之乐,仿佛这是最诱人的罪过。

7.And this shall be an everlasting statute unto you, to make an atonement for the children of Israel for all their sins once a year.这要作你们永远的定例就是因以色列人一切的罪,要一年一次为他们赎罪。

8.His sins flooded up within him and he wept out his repentance, crying "Jesus, I'll even preach for you if you'll save my soul. "他的心里充满了罪恶感。他哭着忏悔,喊道:“耶稣,如果你拯救我的灵魂,我甚至愿意为你布道。”

9.(Mark 15: 34), he knew the overpowering terror of separation from God as he took on himself the curse of our sins.(马可福音15:34),当祂为我们背负罪的咒诅时,祂深深体会到被神离弃是何等可怕。

10.His wife had died and he had followed Dounias, as he explained, to atone for his sins against her by settpng upon her.他的妻子现在已经去世,而他自称他之追随冬妮娅而来是为了赠给她一大笔钱,以弥补过去对她犯下的过失。