



美式发音: [ˈpredətər] 英式发音: [ˈpredətə(r)]



复数:predators  同义词




n.1.an animal that kills and eats other animals2.a company that tries to take control of other companies

1.铁血战士 ultrasonic adj. 超音速的, 超声的n.超声波 predators n. 掠夺者, 食肉动物 bathrobe n. 浴衣 ...

5.捕食者 15 carnibores 食肉动物 16 predators 捕食者 17 omnivores 杂食者 ...


7.新铁血战士 天龙特攻队 The A Team 2010 新铁血战士 Predators 2010 全城热恋 Hot Summer Days …

8.希维耳掠夺者队加人队对纳希维耳掠夺者队Predators)的系列赛,第二仗将于周六下午6时(西岸时间),在温哥华举行,加人队打算继续强 …


1.She said the East, (you) just outside the Western predators, then you can watch a movie: I return!东方的她说,(你们)西洋只是外来掠夺者,只能看戏:我接你回归!

2.Nobody knows for sure; they might have been useful for keeping dinos dry, distracting predators or attracting mates, as peacocks do today.没有人能够给出确切的答案,它们也许可以帮助恐龙保持干燥,转移掠食者的注意力或者吸引配偶,就像今天的孔雀一样。

3.Like a pzard's detachable tail, it was more or less designed to be lost to predators while leaving the animal essentially unharmed.这就像蜥蜴可以自断尾巴一样,其作用或多或少是在遇见天敌时断掉,从而实质上保全自己。

4.The pght creates the illusion that the snail is bigger than it really is, giving it a glowing presence for warding off predators.它的光芒能产生使海蜗牛看起来比实际大的假象,这种光芒使其呈现鲜艳的外表来吓退掠食者。

5.If you are facing predators or other tanks, it would be wise to mix in a few disintegrators with your force.如果你面对捕食者或者其他坦克,混合一些粉碎者是明智的。

6.A few big predators have memorably beaten the odds, at least for a while.值得一提的是,极少数大型掠食动物至少暂时打破了这一宿命。

7.So scientists staged an emergency rescue and moved most of the remaining kakapo to Codfish Island, which had been cleared of all predators.因此科学家们布置了紧急营救行动,把大部分幸存的鸮鹦鹉转移到了Codfish岛。这个岛已经彻底清除了所有的肉食动物。

8.Evolution did not narrowly require that insects fly or swim, only that they somehow move quick enough to escape predators or catch prey.若非为了逃避捕食者或捕获猎物而需要它们设法跑得足够快,进化不会强求昆虫飞行或游泳。

9.The wing clubs could have also been used to fight off predators, too, and this brings up an important point.这种因翅膀结构产生的种群分区也能够用于干掉头领,并且,这是非常重要的一点。

10.When stronger, faster fiercer predators were at rest out of the heat, 'they' were able to look for food.当力量更强、速度更快、更加凶狠的捕食猛兽为避开酷热在休息,我们的老祖先们却能够去寻找食物。