

the thing

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un.1.very fashionable or popular

1.怪形 ... Phone number( 联系方式) Found:The thing( 被发现的物品) Where( 物品现存地) ...


1.But the thing I found most impressive was the way the film managed to make you feel exactly what it was pke to grow up in real poverty.但我最受感动的是,电影使你真实地体会到在穷苦中长大会是什么样子。

2.It hurt me more. . . but I gonna have to let you go. All the thing that you did, I will never be able to forgive you. . . I'm so sorry.这伤害我太深了…但是我不得不让你走。你所做的一切,我永远都无法原谅你。我很抱歉。

3.As the old man looked over the thing in the yard that were to be sold, he stopped at a box of golden balls for Christmas trees.当这个老人在院子里环顾这些要被卖掉的东西时,他在一箱用于装饰圣诞树的金色小球前驻足。

4.Everything is, as it were, in a space of possible atomic facts; I can think of this space as empty, but not of the thing without the space.正如假设,每件事物处于一个可能的原子事实空间之中;我可以想象这样的空间为空,却无法想象一个无原子事实空间可依的事物。

5.It's just as natural for him to pick up the thing as fou you to throw it away!翻译耸耸肩说:别在意,他捡这玩意儿跟你扔这玩意儿一样自然!

6.See, the thing is, all these attributes will come naturally when you know exactly what you're looking for in a woman.知道了吗,答案很简单,所有这些特点在你明确追求你想要的爱人过程中会自然而然的拥有。

7.So this isn't an inconsistent term it is consistent throughout even if it's the sort of the thing you would be removing.这是个不一致的术语,这一直是一致的,即使这是种你要去除的东西。

8.Bulkhead is a bit of a bruiser. He pkes using his "wrecking ball" hand weapon and is rather pke the Thing from the Fantastic Four.挡板身材粗壮,喜欢应用他的“破坏性的球”拳头武器,相似于神奇四侠。

9.If it had not been for that thought, the thing would never have appeared.如果没有这些思想,这些东西将永远也不会出现。

10.The thing was to find out how we stood. We emptied our pockets quickly and began to whack it up.现在要做的是看看究竟还有多少钱,我们很快掏空了衣袋,把钱分成几份。