


美式发音: ['megətrɒn] 英式发音: ['megətrɒn]





1.威震天 megatanker 百万吨级油船 megatron 塔形电子管 megavolt 兆伏 ...

5.麦加登 megatrend 大趋势 megatron 塔形管 megavar 百万乏 ...

7.霸天虎车人,但在Michael Bay的指挥下,美军搞定霸天虎Megatron)的效率基本上比汽车人(Autobots)还高,所以当你面临被 …

8.威震日  霸日虎仍然留在地球上,其首领威震日Megatron)在上一次大战后现在很虚弱,但他仍在计划着什么。


1.You know what you were told. Resist nothing. Soundwave reporting, Lord Megatron.你知道刚才你说的话。声波来报道,威震天老大。

2.Scanning an Earth truck, he morphs into a form that will allow him to hide until the time comes to enter battle against Megatron.他扫描成为一辆陆地卡车,这种变形使他能够很好隐藏自己,便于与威震天对抗。

3.Stem turned Megatron, gun pick Royal predators, map out a strategy to thousands of miles away, is a 1VN victory over the main.干变成了威震天,枪挑皇家大鳄,制订策略,以千里之外,是在主要的1VN胜利。

4.Super Megatron is now plundering every bit of Earth's energy!超级威震天正在掠夺地球上的每一点能量!

5.In less than a stellar cycle, Megatron has turned our home world into a darkened, silent husk.不到一个恒星周期的时间里,威震天就已经把我们的家园变成了一具漆黑,死寂的空壳。

6.In the war he created numerous legends, with "white Yasha" enemy camp in the name of Megatron.他在战争中创造了无数的传奇,以“白夜叉”之名威震敌我阵营。

7.Due to the events from the last movie Megatron will hide half of his face by using a cowl.继续上集的内容,威震天在本集将以用斗篷遮住半边脸的造型亮相。

8.He cares too much for his own skin to ever take the risks the overthrow of MEGATRON would require.他过于计较个人利益的得失,而不敢承担推翻威震天所必需的风险。

9.No sooner has Megatron planted the first explosive than Soundwave alerts him to the fact they've been spotted.还没等威震天植好第一枚炸弹,声波就警告他他们已经被发现了。

10.Jazz: You want a piece of me Megatron?爵士:你要从我身上拆块肉啊,威震天?