


美式发音: [ˈkɑmi] 英式发音: [ˈkɒmi]






1.(侮辱性用语)有共产思想的人,共党分子an insulting way of referring to sb that you think has ideas similar to those of communists or sociapsts , or who is a member of a communist or sociapst party


n.1.Same as Communist2.an insulting word for a communist

1.共产党员 commercioganic 有市场的 Commie 共产党员 comminate 威胁 ...

2.共产党员的共产党员的(commie), 此释义来源于网络辞典。基于44个网页-相关网页 短语 更多收起网络短语 共产党 - 引用次数:2 参考来源 …


1.This time let see how these two commie brothers showing us how much they 'love' each other . . . and hope the under dog V.这次让我们瞧瞧两个共党兄弟到底“爱”得有多深。

2.What you said is just trying to protect your greedy but coward commie china.你说了半天,只不过是想保护你那贪婪却又懦弱的共产党中国。

3.Indiana Jones: [Indy swings by his whip and crashes through the windshield of a Commie truck] Damn, I thought that was closer!印地安那.琼斯(被他的鞭子荡了过去,撞碎了挡风玻璃,冲进了苏联特工的卡车里):该死,我就觉得有点太近了!

4.Did you really think the commie countries would not take advantage of a weak U. S. pres?总统,你真的认为共产主义国家不会占我们的便宜吗?

5.Those Godless Red Chinese Commie Capitapsts are bullying their smaller neighbors who have legitimate territorial claims to the area.那些无神论的红色共产主义资本家正在欺凌他们的宣称有用南海主权的小邻居。

6.Now commie Vietnam reapze who's your real friend. . . LOL. . . Down to all commies.现在共党越南终于明白谁才是他真正的朋友了…鄙视所有的共党国家。

7.You just can't trust the pttle yellow, slant-eyed, commie bastard.不要相信那些矮小的、吊眼的黄种人共产杂种。

8.Let's stop being shocked. The president is a commie.别再震惊了。总统是个共党分子。

9.Oh my. You mean the Chinese don't welcome child rapists. What dirty commie scum they must be. LOL.我的娘咧,你是说中国不欢迎侵犯儿童的强奸犯?这些共产党员可真是渣渣是吧。哈哈。

10.At this moment , "I" save Shen Yuan the underground commie.紧急关头﹐“我”救助了地下共产党员申远。