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1.布里格斯中的特殊种族,类似一本能说话并提供建议的书籍,帮助布里格斯船长Briggs)将忍耐印章与忍耐之书合二为一,给世界带 …

3.布理格 ... 达布利斯( Dubpth) 布利古兹北壁Briggs) 爱德华·艾尔利克( Edward …

6.布理格斯  布理格斯Briggs)还认为,电视媒体擅长传递单一的品牌特性,或者说是对于传播品牌的某一个性质是有效的,而网络广告可 …

7.布莱格斯MBTI 理论: 1.由布莱格斯(Briggs)和他的女儿迈尔斯 (Myers)研究发展; 2.MBTI是一套心理评测工具; 3.全球每年约有二百五十 …

8.布瑞格斯20世纪50年代,美国一对母女麦耶斯(Myers)和布瑞格斯(Briggs)在此基础上又发展了一种维度,这样就共有4种维度,8种行为 …


1.But Mr Briggs wanted half the garden, too, you know, for his farm.可是布里格斯先生也想要半个花园当他的农场,这你是知道的。

2.At a very early hour in the morning twice or three times a week, Miss Briggs used to betake herself to a bathing-machine.一星期里总有两三回,布立葛丝小姐早早起身到海里洗澡。

3.On November 7, 1872 the ship departed New York with Captain Briggs, his wife, young daughter and a crew of eight.在1872年9月7日,该船只载着船长Briggs、他的妻子、女儿和8名船员从纽约驶离。

4.She offers Briggs homemade rum balls and confides that they're made with an old family recipe and were favorites of her late husband.利昂娜送给布里格斯一些自制的小点心,说这是她照着家里一个古老的食谱做的,是她已故丈夫的最爱。

5.The poor soul yielded herself entirely to her sister's orders, and did not even dare to complain of her slavery to Briggs or Firkin.可怜的人任凭妹妹摆布,甚至压根儿不敢对布立葛丝和孚金抱怨不自由。

6.The three decided to see a pfe coach, who administered a personapty test, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, to each of them.塞耶一家三口决定向人生规划师咨询,规划师给他们每个人进行了一项名为迈尔斯-布里格斯类型指标(Myers-BriggsTypeIndicator)的性格测试。

7.It dawned upon Mr. Briggs as a creditable fact he had hitherto not observed, that the sun never set on his dominions.布里格斯先生开始领悟到,直到那时他还没注意到的一件值得赞扬的事实,那就是在他的领土上太阳永远不落。

8.He made phone calls about Peter Hobbs and he made phone calls about Tom Briggs.他打电话找彼特霍夫斯,然后又打电话打汤姆布里格斯。

9.Then there's a man called Tom Briggs. . . He wants Half the garden for his farm.然后有个叫汤姆布里格斯的男人……他想要一半花园当他的农场。

10.Tom Briggs sat down Suddenly on the nearest chair. 'What? How did she die? When did it happen? I was there last night. '汤姆布里格斯突然跌坐在最靠近身边的椅子上。“什么?她怎么死的?什么时候发生的?我昨晚还在那儿。”