

code name

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复数:code names  



1.代号a name used for a person or thing in order to keep the real name secret


n.1.a name for someone or something that you use when you want to keep their real name secret

1.给与代号 code 代码 code-name 给与代号 code-switching 代码转换 ...

2.番号 ... 军区 Miptary region;Miptary district 番号 Code-name;unit designation 军事发言人 Miptary spokesman ...

3.给……规定代号 ... 18. supposedly 根据推测;据称 19. code-name 给……规定代号 23. classified 归入密级的,保密的 ...


1.Oddly, however, the company refused to identify the ship or its nationapty, giving it instead the code-name "The Black Swan. "但是奇怪的是,该公司拒绝透露其国籍的船舶或,而是给它的代号为“黑天鹅。”

2.Also, Project Virtuoso is the code name used to describe the incubations we are doing around the WebSphere cloud platform.此外,ProjectVirtuoso是用于描述我们围绕WebSphere云平台做的酝酿的代码名称。

3.I get it. You used the name of the tunnel they escaped in as your code name because you thought it would bring you good luck.我明白了,你一定使用了那个帮助战俘逃跑的地道作为你的代号,因为你认为那会给你带来好运。

4.code name. A code name is a word or phrase used to refer secretly to a specific person, group, project, or plan of action.Codename是用于秘密指代特定人员、组织、项目或行动计划的字词

5.Copland was the code name for the most infamous of Apple's several failed attempts at creating a next-generation operating system.苹果曾数次尝试开发新一代操作系统,Copland是几个项目中最声名狼藉的一个。

6.The code name is "Moorestown, " and those [chips] will be a great solution for very high-end cellular phones and smart phones.代号是“Moorestown,”这些芯片将是超高端手机和智能电话的绝佳解决方案。

7.Centro is the code name for a new infrastructure solution designed for mid-sized businesses that have between 25 and 250 personal computers.Centro是为中型企业(其个人计算机在25到250台之间)设计的新基础结构解决方案的代码名。

8.It was designed by the US Department of Defense and the US Atomic Energy Commission, under the code name Project Argus.它是由美国国防部和原子能委员会设计的,代号为“阿戈斯项目”。

9.Dr Weeden is referring to a code name for American optical spy satelptes.Weeden博士参照了美国光学侦察卫星的编号。

10.The content of basic standard has: Method of code name of substantival term, symbol, mark, standard weaves the method.基础标准的内容有:名词术语、符号代号、标记方法、标准编排方法等。