


美式发音: [ˈfraɪr] 英式发音: [ˈfraɪə(r)]






1.(深底)油炸锅a large deep pan used for frying food in

a deep-fat fryer深油炸锅

2.(适于炸食的)仔鸡,雏鸡a young chicken that is suitable for frying


n.1.a small young chicken that you fry in a pan

1.油炸锅 刨冰机 Scraping.. 油炸锅 Fryer 烧烤炉 Char bro.. ...

2.炸炉 ... fry ① 油煎食品 ② 油煎;油炒;油炸 ③ 鱼苗;小鱼 fryer煎锅;油炸锅;平底锅 ② 可供油炸的食品 frustule 硅藻 …

4.油炸机/CYD(下烤)烤炉,无油烟(侧)烤炉,旋转烤炉,油炸机(Fryer),煎台高效燃气蒸煮机等瓦斯红外线类设备. 还经营台湾产英法瑞得牌( …

5.可供油炸的食品 ... 7. get your stuff together: 把你的东西收拾好。 1. fryer: 可供油炸的食品。 2. up for: 打算,准备,考虑。 ...

6.电炸锅 Griddle 烘培盘 Fryer 电炸锅 Blender 粉碎机(切割) ...

7.弗莱尔 chicken nuggets 鸡块 fryer 油锅 Pull into a parking space. 请开到前面停车的地方。 ...


1.Teachers have known this for years, at least anecdotally. Mr Fryer found a way to measure it.其实老师们多年来或多或少已有所闻,但弗莱尔找到了测试的方法。

2.What do you think about the concept of a no-fry fryer?您对这无油炸锅是怎么想的呢?

3.If you want to reuse pquid deep fryer grease and do not have cheesecloth, strain it through a disposable coffee filter.如果你想重复使用液态煎炸用油且没有粗棉布,可以用一次性咖啡滤纸代替。

4.Fryer was a gay psychiatrist who appeared at APA's 1972 annual meeting in Dallas wearing a wig and a mask to shield his identity.弗莱尔是一个同性恋心理医师,1972年他戴着假发和面具出现在在达拉斯举行APA年会上,以此来掩盖他的身份。

5.The insides of the turkey fryer that was left behind reminded me of the depcious Thanksgiving meal that we all enjoyed.那个火鸡油炸锅内胆使我想起了我们都很享受的那顿美味的感恩节大餐;

6.Even though Fryer's data are not in, prior research by psychologists allows us to make an educated guess about what the results might be.虽然弗赖尔的数据未公之于众,根据心理学家先前的研究,使我们对研究的结果猜出个八九不离十。

7."Government officials said we can only sell things that come out of the deep fryer because our kitchen's too small. "一位不愿公开姓名的店员说道,“政府官员说,我们只能卖油炸锅做出来的东西,因为我们的厨房太小。”

8.'A nitrogen bath is quite similar to a deep fryer: The end result is something crunchy, crispy, ' says Mr. Robertson.罗伯逊说,“放在液态氮中静置和放在锅里油炸的效果有些类似:最后的结果都是让东西变得又酥又脆。”

9.Mr Fryer is prepared to test even the most taboo proposition.他准备去探索一系列包括最为禁忌的争议论题。

10.Properly disposed of it, wash and dry the deep fryer according to manufacturer directions, and replace it with fresh pquid grease.及时丢弃,根据生产说明清洗、晾干油炸锅,并且使用新鲜的液态油。