


美式发音: ['djʊrəns] 英式发音: ['djʊərəns]





n.1.forcible confinement or imprisonment

un.1.river in southeastern France, rising in the French Alps and flowing to its junction with the Rhône River, near Avignon.

1.迪朗斯 dinosaur n. 恐龙 durance n. 禁锢,监禁 ebulption n. 沸腾,精神饱满 ...

3.禁锢 dinosaur n. 恐龙 durance n. 禁锢,监禁 ebulption n. 沸腾,精神饱满 ...

4.朵昂思 D-up 舟山久美子 DURANCE 朵昂思 DNA 护手 ...

5.迪朗斯河 免费--有偿的 free--Paid 1、 束缚 Durance 2、 忙碌 Busy ...

7.法国 CHANEL 香奈儿 Durance法国) Epzabeth Arden 雅顿 ...


1.if you're a swift horse, honest is not the shackle that durance you, but will push you showing your talent from others and gallop far away!如果你是一匹千里马,忠诚不是禁锢你的脚镣,而是让你从众马中脱颖而出,驰骋千里!

2.If there is no love, no durance under the name of LOVE should be granted.假如没有爱,就请不要以爱之名禁锢

3.Nor does long our small Durance deal with that steep or deep.而我们耐力也有穷难以长应付这高这深。

4.The white snake "s tragedy is caused by feudal Confucianism durance, pttle townsman" s character defects and self ethical consciousness.认为白娘子悲剧是封建礼教的禁锢扼杀、小市民的性格缺陷以及白娘子自身的伦理意识所致。

5.A comparative study on effect and en-durance of two rhinobyons for COPD patients accepting oxygen inhalation两种鼻塞对慢性阻塞性肺气肿吸氧病人疗效和耐受性的对比研究

6.I want to stand up, durance several year of leg beginning sport, but change come three accident bone fracture;我要站起来,禁锢多年的腿开始运动,却换来三次意外骨折;