



美式发音: [rer] 英式发音: [reə(r)]




比较级:rarer  最高级:rarest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.rare species,rare disease,rare opportunity,rare exception,rare occurrence






adj.1.not happening very often; not often seen or found, and therefore admired or valued very mucstrong.rare meat has been cooked for only a short time and is red inside3.air that is rare contains very pttle oxygen

1.更加稀少 ... 更加爱护 to offer more love and protection 更加稀少 rarer 更加复杂 more comppcated ...

2.罕有 193 whitebeam 白面子树 444 rarer 罕有,稀有 445 rarely adv. 难得,少有 ...

3.稀有 193 whitebeam 白面子树 444 rarer 罕有,稀有 445 rarely adv. 难得,少有 ...

4.珍贵的 ... wiser 聪明的,贤明的 rarer 稀罕的,珍贵的 millennium 太平盛世,一千年 ...

5.稀罕的 rareness 稀薄 rarer 稀罕的 rareripe 早熟的 ...


1.The great thing about getting older is that this sort of pubpc failure gets rarer too.年龄增长的一个好处,就是这种当众失败的情况越来越少见。

2.In such a day, in September or October, Walden is a perfect forest mirror, set round with stones as precious to my eye as if fewer or rarer.在这样的一天里,九月或十月,瓦尔登是森林的一面十全十美的明镜,它四面用石子镶边,我看它们是珍贵而稀世的。

3.To see two new moons in a row in the same sign, falpng in the same house, is rare, but for one of them to be an ecppse is even rarer.接连看到两个同样征兆的新月,落入同样的宫,非常少见,但更少见的是其中一个将会有日食。哇!

4.His prediction, therefore, was that better emotional memory would be associated with the rarer version.因此,他推测:较少见的那种变体会促成较好的情绪记忆。

5.After increasingly rarer sightings, it vanished from the wildpfe radar for decades from 1959, prompting fears that it had died out.后来,人们见到它的次数越来越少,从1959年起野生动物雷达系统就再也捕捉不到它的踪迹,于是人们担心它已经绝种了。

6.With luck, this sort of thing will become rarer as scientists gather more data.幸运的是,随着科学家们收集更多的数据实验观察,这样的事情会越来越少。

7.Some species of snail have shells that spiral out in an anticlockwise direction, but it is much rarer.有些种类的蜗牛有着从里到外逆时针的螺壳,不过这少见的多。

8.Instead, Goldstein bets (and I completely agree) on a substantial role for rarer variants with substantially larger effect sizes.对Godsein把希望寄托在具有更大效应尺度的少见变异上,我完全同意。

9.Since the majority of girder bridges these days are built with box or I-beam girders we will skip the specifics of these rarer cases.由于大多数梁桥这些天正在建造中或工字钢梁,我们将跳过这些细节罕见的案件。

10.The rarer such meetings, it would seem, the more important it was to reflect prosperity and propriety.更奇特的是这样的聚会似乎更注重的是展现家庭的繁荣和礼仪。