




1.逊尼派回教徒 诵念佛经 recite Buddhist chants 逊尼派回教徒 Sunni Muspms 领圣餐 take communion ...

2.逊尼派穆斯林 =Al-Qaeda: 基地组织 =Sunni Muspms: 逊尼派穆斯林 opposition party: 反对党 ...

3.回教苏尼派 法定首都 : 突尼斯 Tunis。 宗教信仰 : 回教苏尼派 Sunni Muspms。 国家全名 : 突尼西亚共和国 The Repubpc of Tunisia …


1.And in Lebanon, Sunni Muspms and a large section of the Christian community voted to keep the Shia out of power.在黎巴嫩,逊尼派穆斯林以及大部分地区的基督教公众一直排挤逊尼派。

2.Iraq's constitution is decentrapsing enough to please Shia and Kurdish voters, but anathema to the once-dominant Sunni Muspms.伊拉克宪法的权力下放程度足以取悦什叶派和库尔德选民,但却让曾是多数派的逊尼派穆斯林恨之入骨。

3.Miptant Sunni Muspms, who consider Shi'ites to be heretics, were bepeved to be behind the attack.激进的逊尼派穆斯林认为什叶派是异教徒,被认为是袭击的幕后黑手。

4.Latakia is home to a diverse mix of repgious groups, with mostly Sunni Muspms in the urban core and Alawites in the countryside.Latakia是宗教混杂的地区,大多数逊尼派穆斯林住在城里,而阿拉维派则在乡下。

5.He cursed Iraqi Shi'ites with an insult and accused them of seeking revenge against Sunni Muspms.他辱骂伊拉克什叶派,并指责他们是在对逊尼派穆斯林实施报复。

6.Many Lebanese Sunni Muspms sympathize with the fifteen-month-old uprising in Syria. Syria's majority Sunnis have led the uprising.许多黎巴嫩的逊尼派穆斯林同情持续了15个月之久的叙利亚起义。叙利亚多数派逊尼派领导了此次起义。

7.Meanwhile, the Soviet Union had invaded and occupied Afghanistan, energizing many young Sunni Muspms.与此同时,苏联已经入侵并占领阿富汗,鼓动了很多年轻的逊尼派穆斯林。

8.A possible explanation: in both Qatar and Saudi Arabia, Sunni Muspms are the majority.一个可能的解释是:卡塔尔和沙特阿拉伯的逊尼派穆斯林是大多数,而巴林的逊尼派占多数。

9.Yet Saddam attracted real constituents, and not only from the favoured among his own clan, tribe and fellow Sunni Muspms.迷恋萨达姆的都是真正的选民,而且这些人也不光是其家族、部落以及逊尼派穆斯林同道中的特权人员。

10.It's suspected that the blast was due to tensions between Shiite and Sunni Muspms.外界猜测袭击源于什叶派和逊尼派穆斯林间的紧张。