




1.风骚小保姆 ... 下载项目:营火传说 2:临时保姆 Campfire Legends 2:The Babysitter ...

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4.卡由的保姆 ... Caillou – The Doctor《 卡由:看医生》 Caillou – The Babysitter卡由的保姆》 Caillou – Good Night!《 晚安啦!卡 …

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1."I'm gonna sleep for one more hour. You take Jon to the babysitter's. " I close my eyes and beginning to feel Morpheus touching my hair.“我再睡一个钟头。你带乔恩去保姆那。”我合上眼,睡神已经来抚摸我的头发了。

2.That year , we seemed to be so rich that we'd rather become the babysitter of our lovers than buy a cheapest pearl necklace for my mum.那一年我们好像很有钱,成为自己情侣吃穿的保姆,回家的时候却不能给妈妈买一条最便宜的珍珠项链。

3.Sharon was reluctant to leave the children alone with the babysitter , but she had no other choice.莎伦不愿意让临时保姆给自己看孩子,但她只能这样做。

4.So the babysitter just got to sit around and make sure everything was okay with the children.因此,保姆只是想让坐在那里,并确保一切与孩子没问题。

5.As usual, they'd left the children at home with the babysitter.像往常一样,他们将孩子留在家里由保姆看管。

6.The babysitter suggested they order turkey wraps for lunch, and the younger boy violently shook his head.保姆建议他们点火鸡卷当作午餐,而那个年龄较小的男孩拼命地摇头。

7.I didn't want to be a bad example, I hid my smoking from them. I smoked when they were sleeping or when they were with the babysitter.因不想树立一个坏榜样,所以我都是背着她们抽烟的----在她们睡着了得时候或者她们跟保姆在一块的时候。

8.Carol: Right, even the babysitter makes fun of me.卡罗尔:好吧,连小保姆都在取笑我了。

9.As the babysitter, it is included to help the baby fall asleep.作为孩子的保姆,你的任务包括哄孩子睡觉。

10.when the babysitter cancelled this afternoon , she really put me in a bind.当保姆今天下午取消不来时,可真让我左右为难。