




1.埃克斯 Atwood 阿特伍德 Akers 埃克斯 Adair 阿代尔 ...


3.艾克斯差别强化理论:艾克斯(Akers)。 低阶层犯罪副文化理论:米勒氏(Miller)。

4.亚克斯本人受亚克斯(Akers)的「学习理论」及苏勒兰(Sutherland)「随异交往理论」(Differential AssociationTheory)的启发,认为朋辈 …


1.And yet, as Akers points out, the moneychangers were a small part of the Temple scene.然而,正如埃克斯指出的那样,兑换银钱之人只是一个圣殿场景的一小部分。

2.And Akers suggests convincingly that the Ebionites were ultimately absorbed into Islam, which shared most of their views about Jesus.埃克斯令人信服地表明,伊便尼派最终被纳入伊斯兰教,伊斯兰教关于耶稣的观点与伊便尼派大致相同。

3.Doug Akers from the cooperative extension service at Purdue University in Indiana suggests straw or shredded leaves for the mulch.美国印第安纳普度大学合作推广中心的DougAkers建议采用稻草或碎叶作为覆盖物。

4.Doug Akers from the Cooperative Extension Service at Purdue University in Indiana suggests straw orshrededshredded leaves for the mulch.来自印第安纳州普度大学合作拓展服务组织的道哥阿克斯建议,遮盖物可用干草或碎叶子。

5.As Akers argues, the direct attack on the Priests' principal source of pvephood, the animal sacrifices, could not be ignored.正如埃克斯所说,不能忽视对祭司们的主要生活来源-动物祭祀的直接攻击。

6.Because she is authenticated, the intended recipients of Kim's mail see that the sender is Kim Akers.因为她经过身份验证,所以Kim邮件的收件人可以看到发件人是KimAkers。

7.Also interrogated was Sue Akers, who now heads the renewed investigation into phone-hacking.苏•阿克斯也要接受质询,她现在是重新组建的电话窃听案调查组的领导。

8.Akers is the world's leading roll suppper in world, with an annual turnover of approximately 260 milpon EURO.瑞典Akers公司是一家世界领先的轧辊生产供应商,年营业额2亿6千万欧元。

9.George Akers (British film editor): What is love? Love is when you care more about someone else than you care about yourself.乔治·阿克斯(英国电影剪接师):什么是爱?爱是你关心他人犹胜自己的那一刻。目录娱乐直播室

10.But devils akers is forced grabbed the shoes, and dropped it on the wires.但是捣蛋鬼阿克斯却强行抢下了球鞋,并将它扔到了电线上。