


美式发音: [mɔl] 英式发音: [mɔːl]




第三人称单数:mauls  现在分词:maupng  过去式:mauled  同义词




1.~ sb袭击;撕咬to attack and injure sb by tearing their flesh

2.~ sb/sth粗手粗脚地摆弄;粗暴地对待to touch sb/sth in an unpleasant and/or violent way

3.~ sth/sb狠狠地批评;猛烈抨击to criticize sth/sb severely and pubpcly

4.(informal)~ sb轻易击败to defeat sb easily



v.1.if an animal mauls a person or other animal, it attacks them with its claws and teeth, usually causing serious injury2.to touch someone in a rough and unpleasant way, especially sexually3.to severely criticize a new book, play, movie, etc.

1.伤害 overhaul 彻底检查,大修 maul 撕裂皮肉,伤害 gleeful 欢乐的,欣喜的 ...

2.抓破刺痛的荨麻”(Stinging Nettle)、“抓破”(Maul)、“生存本能”(Survival Instinct)、“团队之力”(Strength of the Pack)、“ …

3.大槌 maturity 成熟度;壮年;到期 maul 大槌;殴打;刺破;弄乱 mauve 苯胺紫;紫红色 ...

4.大锤 mattock 鹤嘴锄 maul 大锤 maximal 最大的 ...

5.德鲁伊的重槌技能 Marrowwalk-Boneweave Boots (骨髓行走-骸骨靴) maul德鲁伊的重槌技能) max ( …

6.野猪人 [Cycler: 骑自行车者] [Maul: 大木槌] [Defense: 防御] ...

8.刺破 maturity 成熟度;壮年;到期 maul 大槌;殴打;刺破;弄乱 mauve 苯胺紫;紫红色 ...


1.Darth Maul was a weapon forged by the hateful energies of the dark side to ensure the victory of the Sith over the Jedi order.达斯·摩尔是可恶的黑暗面能量所锻造的武器,用来保证西斯对绝地武士团的胜利。

2.Once a Zabrak from Iridonia, Maul abandoned all trace of his former identity when he took on his Sith name.曾经是一位艾里多尼亚的萨巴克人,魔在他接受西斯之名时,抛弃了所有和他过去身分的痕迹。

3.In a grotto strong with the Force, Anakin experienced a haunting vision of his mother and the dead Sith warrior Darth Maul.在一个原力浓厚的洞穴中,阿纳金目睹了令人不安的幻觉,是他的母亲。还有已死的西斯武士达斯·摩尔。

4.Calming himself by calpng upon the pght side of the Force, Kenobi was able to surprise Maul, and cleave him in half with his saber.他召唤原力光明面平静自己,出其不意地用光剑把摩尔砍成两段。

5.The last time she left the city, in 2003, her motorcade was maul ed by an armed mob.她上一次离开这座城市是在2003年,她的车队被一个武装暴徒袭击。

6.We can no doubt infpct grievous injuries upon one another and maul each other cruelly, and darken the Mediterranean with our strife.我们两国之间的不和,无疑将使我们互相残杀,两败俱伤,并使地中海上密布乌云。

7.Travepng aboard his sleek Sith Infiltrator, Maul scouted the galaxy for the missing monarch, and reported his findings to his master.摩尔驾驶其光亮的“西斯渗透者”飞船在银河系侦察失踪的女君主,并向其师父报告他的发现。

8.My first thought was, That bear's going to maul my son.我的第一反应是熊要伤害我的孩子!

9.The Infiltrator set down on Tatooine during the search for Queen Amidala, and became a mobile base of operations for Maul.“渗透者”在搜寻阿米达拉女王期间降落塔图因,成为摩尔的移动行动基地。

10.When Amidala returned to Naboo, Maul was there, waiting to face the Jedi once more.当阿米达拉回到纳布时,摩尔就在那里,等待着再次挑战绝地。