


美式发音: [stræpt] 英式发音: [stræpt]






adj.needy,wanting,strapped for cash,skint,impecunious



1.缺钱的;手头紧的having pttle or not enough money



adj.1.needing money

v.1.The past tense and past participle of strap

1.迷宫 末路记事 THE LIVING END 迷宫 STRAPPED 感化院男孩 Borstal Boy ...

2.身无分文的 subject 受……支配的,受 strapped 身无分文的 subject 受""支配的,受""影响的 ...

3.资金短少的 mow lawns 修剪草坪 strapped adj. 身无分文的;资金短少的 edge out 挤掉; …

4.短缺的 ... sluggish a. 缺乏活力的,缓慢的 strapped a. 短缺的,银根很紧的 turf n. <美俚>地盘;势力范围 ...

5.手头没钱 pve high off the hog 舒适的生活 strapped 手头没钱 land on one's feet 度过困境 ...

6.重案实录之军火少年 strappado 吊刑 strapped 捆住的 strapper 彪形大汉 ...

8.用皮绳捆住的 ... tend,,tended tended tending 走向; 趋向 strapped 绑,,用皮绳捆住的 inflatable: 充气 ...


1.The injury looked very serious as Terry was heavily strapped and secured into a stretcher before the ambulance took him to a local hospital.特里的伤势看似很严重,他被皮带紧紧包住头部,用担架抬出,之后被救护车送往医院!

2.Jenkins then found a case of beer strapped to the lawnmower 's front, court records show.简金斯发现,锄草机正前方捆绑著一箩筐的啤酒。

3.He strapped on his helmet, spd the new black leather gloves over his hands, then threw one leg over the vinyl seat.他非常紧张,对他的头盔,滑向新的黑色皮手套,他的手,然后把一条腿比乙烯基席位。

4.Her eyes started opening and she was shocked to find that her body was strapped down to the bed.她的眼睛开始开放和她感到震惊的是,找到,她的尸体则被绑在床上。

5.Squeezing these out of cash-strapped governments is going to be much more difficult than it was even a year ago.迫使资金短缺的政府提供这些资金甚至将比一年前更加困难。

6.It is impossible to estimate how much money this bounty could generate for Greenland's cash-strapped government.这种宝贵的物产到底能为资金短缺的格陵兰政府带来多少财富是难以估量的。

7.By the time the nurses had strapped on the monitors I was begging for an epidural, heroin, a shotgun, anything to put me out of my misery.当护士把监视器绑好,我恳求她们使用硬脊髓外腔止痛、吗啡或者来颗子弹,只要能帮我解决痛苦。

8.The over-burdened bird, with cocaine and marijuana strapped to its back, fell out of the sky before crossing the prison walls.超过100只鸽子,携带着可卡因和大麻在它们的背上,在飞跃监狱墙时,从空中掉了下来。

9.The enemy strapped him, and yet he said nothing.敌人用皮带抽打他,可他就是一句话也不说。

10.His left hand reached up to his shoulder, fingertips just brushing the barrel of the rifle strapped to his shoulder.他把左手举到肩膀处,指尖轻拂过肩上挎着的步枪枪管。