


网络释义:伊沃;International Visitors Office;龙腾光电(Info Vision Optronics)


1.伊沃,香港著名水墨画家,香港美术家联合会主席,欧洲国际东方美术研究院(IVO)荣誉院士,香港文化艺术交流协会会长,著名 …

5.国际度假联盟组织 ... Ivette 伊维特 Ivo 依沃 Ivone 伊温 ...


1.Ivo Da Erde U. S. ambassador to NATO, said, in response to any possible threat, NATO cooperation with Russia is difficult.美国驻北约大使伊沃·达尔德曾说,在应对任何可能的威胁上,北约很难与俄罗斯进行合作。

2.Ivo Dutra has a heart-wrenching reason for ending what he calls the "permanent battle" in Lima's streets: He lost his only child to it.有一个令人心焦普哥Dutra结束的原因被他称为“永久的战斗”在秘鲁首都利马的街道上:他失去了他唯一的孩子。

3.Other leaders attending Sunday's anniversary include Croatian President Ivo Josipovic and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.星期天参加纪念仪式的其他国家领导人包括克罗地亚总统约西波维奇和土耳其总理埃尔多安。

4.Sigrid Ivo, an art historian and daughter of the museum's founders, directs the foundation that now owns the collection and runs the museum.SigridIvo是一位艺术历史家,也是博物馆创始人的女儿。她领导的基金会拥有这些收藏品,并经营该博物馆。

5.These results indicated that cumulus cells could offset caffeine's reversible effect on aged oocytes from IVO.与此结果不同的是在体外成熟的卵母细胞中卵丘并不影响咖啡因的逆转作用。

6.Four men are to appear in court in the Croatian capital, Zagreb, charged with murdering the influential journapst, Ivo Pukanic, in 2008.四个男子出现在克罗地亚首都法院,萨克勒布,被控在2008年谋杀著名记者,IvoPukanic。

7.Ivo Pitanguy. The doctor led the procession surrounded by samba dancers in feathers and bikinis.医生带着队伍,被穿着皮革和比基尼的桑巴舞者包围着。

8.The prime minister of Croatia, Ivo Sanader, unexpectedly stepped down, saying he wanted to give up poptics.克罗地亚首相IvoSanader出人意料的宣布辞职,他说想要放弃政治。

9."There is a clear acceleration in this type of deal in the automotive supply industry, " says Ivo Naumann of ApxPartners in Shanghai.“汽车供应行业的此类交易有明显加快趋势,”咨询公司艾睿铂(ApxPartners)上海办公室的罗曼(IvoNaumann)表示。

10.Ivo Naumann of Apx Partners, the advisory group, says the technology gap is too large.咨询集团ApxPartners的伊沃•瑙曼(IvoNaumann)表示,技术差距仍过大。