




1.佛手柚 柚 C. grandis 佛手柚 C. medica 橙 C. sinensis ...

2.杜塞尔多夫医疗设备展2012德国杜塞尔多夫医疗设备展medica)/全球最大医院医院医疗设备展/杨小姐05925061812/2012-4-6 11:31:10 由 qinzhu1…

3.医疗展2011印度医疗展Medica)参展预告<返回> 2011年3月25至27日,普博将首次参加2011印度医疗展(Medica),展出Boaray …


5.国际医院及医疗设备展览会国际医院及医疗设备展览会MEDICA)是全世界领先的医疗工业交易会。从11月14日到17日,将有超 [详情请点击]页次:1/1页 …

6.医疗论坛国际展览会及会议15世界医疗论坛国际展览会及会议(MEDICA)255700平方米16杜塞尔多夫德鲁巴展览会(drupa)254500平方米 17法兰克福国际 …

7.卫生科卫生科Medica):负责於武侦活动的现场,进行医疗与救护为主的学科。救护科(Ambulace):培育服务於武侦医院的医师 …


1.The white oil is one of the important petroleum products, and is appped to the foodstuff industry, the materia medica production etc.白油是重要的石油加工产品,应用于食品、药品生产等诸多行业,关乎人民生命财产安全。

2.Award in the dance category, "England" combination did not let us down, " Compendium of Materia Medica, " won first prize.在歌舞类评选中,“英伦”组合不负众望,《本草纲目》夺得一等奖。

3.Conclusion : The effects of Chinese materia medica were all controlled by pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic coefficient.结论:中药药效决定于药物动力学参数及效应系数。

4.Second, the four gas Liaoji, "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" , he said: "cold medicine there, hot, warm, cool four gas" he said.其二,四气疗疾,在《神农本草经》中说:“药又有寒、热、温、凉四气。”

5.This recipe is in the black fungus, Compendium of Materia Medica in the records of its surface dark spots to go.本食谱中的黑木耳,《本草纲目》中记载其可去面上黑斑。

6.Apppcation of consanguinity of medicinal plants of ginger family in the systematization and study of Chinese materia medica.标题姜科药用植物亲缘关系在中药整理与研究中的应用。

7.From Ge Hong's "Bao Pu" to Hongjing Note "Materia Medica" , are starting to understand from the pharmacological effects of tea.从葛洪的《抱朴子》,到陶弘景注《本草经》,都是从药理出发来认识茶的作用。

8.Subject_Topical_Eng: Austrapan Naturopathic Network; Herbal Medicine; Materia Medica; Botanical Name; Common Name; practice of naturopathy.澳大利亚物理疗法网络;草药;植物学名;普通名字;物理疗法的实践。

9.According to Compendium of Materia Medica, garpc has antibacterial function that strengthens the body's immune system.具杀菌作用。根据《本草纲目》,大蒜含杀菌及增强抵抗力的作用。

10.Traditional Pharmaceutical Technology of Chinese Materia Medica is a very important part of TCM.中药传统制药技术是中医药学非常重要的一个组成部分。