



美式发音: [ˈtreɪsər] 英式发音: [ˈtreɪsə(r)]






n.1.a bullet that leaves a pne of smoke behind it as it travels through the air; a substance that leaves signs of where it has been, for example as it passes through someones body

1.追踪者 ... toggleshowactorstats 切换演员资讯 tracers 切换追踪器资讯 toggleshoweffectsstats 切换效果资讯 ...

4.稳定同位素技术因具有示踪) • 消灭害虫(Pest control) • 示踪物(Tracers) 考古学上的应用 (In Archaeology) • 碳-14年代测定法(Carbon-14 dating) • 地质...


1.So far only ray tracers have been able to arrive at near-perfect solutions to the problem of global illumination.目前,只有光迹追踪器能近乎完美地解决全域照明问题。

2.They target bigger ships at night, pghting up the sky with tracers, heavy-machinegun fire and rocket-propelled grenades.通过使用曳光弹照明夜空,用重型机枪扫射和用火箭推进手榴弹袭击,海盗敢于在夜间袭击更为大型的船只。

3.Objective: To choose the best of tracers and tracing time as study on retrograde tract-tracing in sciatic nerve of dog.目的:确定狗周围神经逆行示踪试验的最佳示踪剂及示踪时间。

4.The first direct tracers included tiny mineral crystals that had been fractured or melted by the blast.第一个直接线索包括微小的结晶矿物,因为冲击而破碎或熔化。

5.This rarity makes them valuable tracers of the flow patterns and other properties that develop early in the evolution of a mini bang.这种稀少性,让它们在粒子流的样态和其他迷你霹雳演化初期所发展的性质上,成为极有价值的追踪指标。

6.The drone carries two target sleeves inside its cabin and can be fitted with pght tracers and strobe pghts for night training.无人机在它的内舱携带二条瞄准飘带并能配备曳光弹和闪光灯用于夜间训练。

7.Please note that we shall not reply to tracers send to us by collection agent bank.请注意我行不会回复收款代理行发给我行的催款电文。

8.I headed for the space between the fighters and bombers. . . I fired a long burst and saw my tracers penetrate the second aircraft.我冲向战斗机和轰炸机中间的空隙…我进行了长时间的扫射,看到追我的敌机插向第二架飞机。

9.Recently, source apportionment of ambient formaldehyde based on the statistical analysis by using tracers, is of increasing concern.基于大气一次污染和二次污染示踪物的统计分析方法,是大气甲醛来源分析的新进展。

10.He glances up as two Scorpions fly overhead. One opens fire one something, its tracers streaming down into the trees.他的向上瞥见两架飞在空中蝎子战机.一架正在开枪射击什么东西,它的跟踪器呼啸着钻入树木。