




1.练习曲 4首叙事曲(4 Ballades) 27首练习曲(2 7 Etudes) 14首圆舞曲(1 4 Walses) ...

3.练习曲全集 克许奈莱特 Matthias Kirschnereit 萧邦:练习曲全集 Chopin:Etudes 威汉‧巴克豪斯(钢琴) Wilhelm Backhaus ...

4.操练曲 3,夜曲( Noctunes) 4,操练曲( Etudes) 6,波兰舞曲( Polonaises) ...

5.第一练习曲 ... 10 Etudes2: 第一练习曲:中板 3: 第二练习曲:稍快的行板 II. Etude No. .... ...


1.Chapter one focuses on the eight etudes through formal analysis and detailed study of compositional characteristics.第一章,针对该册共八首练习曲一一进行宏观结构的剖析与细部特征的放大。

2.From Yueyang Garden City Instruments Company, flute teacher with excellent teachings method and good etudes.来自岳阳市田园琴行,长笛老师。擅长钢琴和作曲。

3.Theres no better way to waste time and effort than when playing etudes and exercises that aren't relevant to any pieces of music.把时间浪费在学习和练习一些与乐曲无关的琶音形式上不是一种好的方法。

4.Etudes in all the Major Keys, Op. 35 (Alkan, Charles-Valentin). Piano. Romantic.12首练习曲在所有主要键,Op.35(Alkan,查尔斯-瓦伦丁)。计划。浪漫。

5.Finally, I have decided to create another space only for Chopin Etudes (CEs), simply because they deserve!我终于决定开设一个只属于肖邦练习曲(肖练)的空间了,这也是它们应得的。

6.To pianists in late twenty century, these concert etudes should be not only methods for teaching but also essential in concert programs.在今日,这些音乐会练习曲不但是教学上的重要工具,更是演奏会上的重要曲目之一。

7.Finally, I have time to relax, sleep and continue to compile my Chopin Etudes discography .终于有时间可以睡个大觉并继续编写我的肖练目录了。

8.Etudes-Tableaux, Op. 33: No. 9 in D major: Allegro moderato.九首练习曲——舞台造型,作品33:第九首,D大调:中速的快板。

9.I am often asked about my attitude towards etudes.经常有人问我自己对于练习曲的看法。

10.Three Etudes Op. 67 - 1. Gpssandi.三首练习曲,作品.67。