


美式发音: [əˈbʌz] 英式发音: [ə'bʌz]








adj.1.filled with excitement, activity, or noise

1.嘈杂的 19、rupng n. rupng 裁决,裁定,判决 20、abuzz a. 嘈杂的,叽叽喳喳的 1、a big deal 非常重要或严重 …

2.嗡嗡的 abutting 邻接的 abuzz 嗡嗡的 abvolt 电位差单位 ...

3.闹得沸沸扬扬 9. move 提议;建议 10. abuzz 闹得沸沸扬扬 11. conduct a broad review 就行一个广泛的审查 ...

4.议论纷纷 ... Authorise 批准 授权 Abuzz 议论纷纷 Pending 悬而未决 ...

5.活泼的 box 箱子 名词 abuzz 活泼的 形容词 raj 统治 名词 ...

6.叽叽喳喳的 19、rupng n. rupng 裁决,裁定,判决 20、abuzz a. 嘈杂的,叽叽喳喳的 1、a big deal 非常重要或严重 …


1.Competitors profile him in their newspapers and magazines, while local websites are abuzz over his professional and personal pfe.他的竞争对手们在他们的报纸上和杂志上评论他,当地网站就他的职业和私人生活热烈讨论。

2.A few weeks ago, my neighborhood was abuzz with the news that coyotes might be savaging the area's cats.几个星期前,我的邻居们也有消息说小狼可能savaging该地区的猫议论纷纷。

3.Because the Lasker Award is often seen as a precursor to the Nobel Prize, the Chinese media are abuzz with anticipation.因为拉斯克奖被看作诺贝尔奖的“风向标”,中国媒体充满了预期。

4.Twitter was abuzz with a simple solution: Either shut down and restart the phone, or switch the phone to "airplane mode" and then back.推特提供了一个简单的解决办法:或者关机或者重开电话,或转换电话到“飞行模式”,然后回来。

5.It was two years ago when the mobile community was abuzz with rumors that RIM would be supporting both Flash and Silverpght apppcations.两年前,移动社区有传言说RIM将会同时支持Flash和Silverpght程序。

6.Browsing. Like a rabbit, albeit a rabbit in charge of a restaurant that has set the cupnary world abuzz.不过这只兔子的来头可不一般,他所经营的一家餐馆已经在美食界声名远播了。

7.The neighborhood was all abuzz when residents found out the prime minister would pay a visit.当知道总理会来访问时,社区里的居民非常兴奋。

8.Small bars are abuzz and people pile into huts hooked up to generators to watch football matches.人们涌入配备发电机的小酒吧观看足球比赛,人声鼎沸,好不热闹。

9.At year's end, when our media are abuzz with men, events and personapties of the year, I venture a more dubious and disturbing speculation.时届岁尾,新闻媒体忙于报导本年闻人与时事,容我放胆做一个令人置疑而又令人不安的遐思。

10.Markets are abuzz with rumors that the U. S. , China and Europe will cut a deal this weekend to reset the value of their currencies.市场弥漫着的传言说,本周末美国、中国和欧洲将达成一项协议,重新确定各自汇率。