


美式发音: 英式发音: 

n.1.a plant disease that causes reddening of the leaves


1.The dark red tinges on a leaf of red leaf lettuce are the plant kingdom's equivalent of suntan lotion.红色叶莴苣上的一点点的深红色相当于植物王国中的防晒乳。

2.The red leaf was floating on the water. I added a smaller greenbrier leaf and a black ant that had been crawpng up my leg.本来只有一片红叶漂浮于水上,我又加上了一片绿蔷薇叶子和一只爬到了我腿上的黑蚂蚁。

3.Soon Grace had a red leaf, an orange leaf, and three yellow leaves on her paper.很快,格蕾斯在纸上勾勒出了一片红叶,一片橙叶和三片黄色的叶子。

4.The peppery arugula, the red leaf, the baby mizuna, they yielded at once to my touch, pke a sigh.辣味的芝麻菜,红色的叶,嫩水菜丽,他们一碰到我的触摸就屈服了,像一声叹息。

5.Their red leaf poplars enjoy hot sales around the country.他们的红叶白杨在全国热销。

6.I love the red leaf, pick a piece for you; you are pke it, red youthful, bright-colored.我爱红叶,摘一片送你;你就像红叶,火红的青春,美的鲜艳。

7.Toss red leaf lettuce, orange spces , and red onion spces in large bowl.把碾碎红叶莴苣,桔片,和红洋葱片放在一个大碗里。

8.Tangse golden, Yedi hypertrophy soft, Yan Liang uniform and red leaf edge, the green heart-rimmed.汤色金黄,叶底肥厚柔软,艳亮均匀,叶缘红点,青心红镶边。

9.The once red leaf, the last of its clan, that dances as often as dance it can.曾经的红叶,它们宗族中最后的一片叶子,如跳舞一般翩跹落下。

10.The middle of their green leaf, red leaf margin, it is "green red rimmed" known.因其叶片中间为绿色,叶缘呈红色,故有“绿叶红镶边”之称。