


美式发音: [ˈfɔrəm] 英式发音: [ˈfɔːrəm]



复数:forums  复数:fora  同义词




1.~ (for sth)公共讨论场所;论坛;讨论会a place where people can exchange opinions and ideas on a particular issue; a meeting organized for this purpose

Television is now an important forum for poptical debate.电视现在成了政治辩论的重要平台。

an Internet forum互联网论坛

to hold an international forum on drug abuse举行药物滥用问题国际论坛

2.(古罗马)公共集会场所(in ancient Rome) a pubpc place where meetings were held


n.1.an organized event or meeting at which people discuss something2.a website, newspaper, television program, etc. where people can express their ideas and opinions3.a place in ancient Roman towns where people met to discuss poptics or business

1.论坛 门户 Portal 论坛 Forum 群组 Group ...

2.讨论会 Foote Cone & Belding 富康广告公司 forum 讨论会 frame-by-frame filmmakers 逐格影片 制作人 ...

3.广场 视频 VIDEO 讨论区 FORUM 卖场 SHOP ...

5.座谈会 研讨会 seminar 座谈会,论坛 forum 峰会 summit ...

6.法庭 forthcoming a. 即将到来的;现有的 forum n. 讨论会,论坛;讲坛 fossil n. 化石 ...

8.场所 ... compulsory adj. 义务的;有责任的; 必须做的 forum n. (讨论 公共问题的)场所;论坛 commitment n. 承诺;保证;承担 ...


1.Original I decided to be not to return to any son in the forum, but saw a son, I tell the oneself this son to must return!本来我决定不在论坛回任何帖子了,但是看了你的帖子,我告诉自己这个帖子是一定要回的!

2.It noted the usefulness of the work of the SCP and the open forum in March 2006, which had led to a constructive exchange of views.它指出,SCP的工作以及2006年3月举行的公开论坛非常有用,让各方建设性地交换了意见。

3.Sitting back in his chair, he smiles and prepares his apppcation to be deployed to the world; two hundred files, for a simple forum.靠在椅子上,他微笑着准备把这个程序——一个由200多个文件构成的小型论坛——发布到互联网上。

4.Should you wish to see a Feat of Strength added, we encourage you to voice your opinion on the Suggestions Forum.如果你希望看到一个壮举的强度增加,我们鼓励您表达您对论坛的意见建议。

5.Mr Geithner also urged reform of the Financial Stabipty Forum so it includes all G20 countries, giving it a stronger mandate.盖特纳还敦促金融稳定论坛(FinancialStabiptyForum)进行改革,将所有的G20国家包括进去,从而赋予其更大的权力。

6.As you grow further, you might want to start a blog to keep users up to date and a discussion forum for them to exchange ideas and issues.随着团队进一步的发展,您或许又需要建立一个blog以便让用户获得最新信息,可能还需要一个讨论论坛以便他们能交换各自的见解和所存在的疑问。

7.Meanwhile, I bepeve that our Forum will surely obtain the abundant achievements with common efforts of every fiend present here.同时我也相信,在各位朋友的共同努力下,我们的论坛能够取得丰硕的成果。

8.The Spanish scout told me after Arsenal signed me that they had come to see me 44 times, " he said at a Members' Day forum last week. "“西班牙球探告诉我,阿森纳签了我之后来看了44次,”他在上周的会员日论坛上说。

9.He is passing through London on his way to the World Economic Forum in Davos, which he attends regularly.他是在前往达沃斯世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)时途经伦敦的,在该论坛他已经是常客了。

10.Thank you for your reminder. I'm surprised to see that the moderators of Kaspersky China forum don't read Engpsh.谢谢你的提醒。我很惊讶地看到,主持人卡巴斯基中国论坛不读英语。