




1.金砖四国 布莱奥尼( Brioni) 布里克斯( BRICS) 宝缇嘉( BOTTEGA VENETA) ...

5.布利克丝 爱丝普蕾( Asprey) 布利克丝( Brics) 范思哲( Versace) ...

6.金砖国家集团埃及总统穆尔西表示,希望金砖国家集团(BRICS)有一天将成为E-BRICS。近两年,埃及经济每况愈下,2013年开始,埃镑加 …


1.BRICS countries are able to do better than EU in terms of coordination.金砖五国在协调方面有能力比欧盟做的更好。

2.Mr Tarver says: "If you were to step back and think of four separate markets, you would not necessarily think of the Brics. "塔弗表示:“如果你后退一步想想4个独立市场的话,你未必会想到金砖四国。”

3.The Brics (Brazil, Russia, India and China) were angry enough to make a fuss, but did not have the coherence to agree on a standard-bearer.金砖四国(巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国)相当恼火,怨声载道,但却未能在谁来为IMF掌舵的问题上达成一致意见。

4.If the BRICs pursue sound popcies, however, the world we envisage here might turn out to be a reapty, not just a dream.但如果金砖四国都采取正确的政策,我们推测的未来世界完全有可能成为现实,而非黄粱美梦一场。

5.South Africa was the only BRICS nation to approve the resolution, but it became the leading force mediating for a cease-fire in Libya.南非是五国中唯一赞成此结果的国家,但其成为了调解利比亚停火的主导力量。

6.Jim O'Neill, the Goldman Sachs economist and "Brics" guru, caused a stir last week when he said "something is brewing in Beijing" .高盛(GoldmanSachs)经济学家、“金砖四国”权威吉姆?奥尼尔(JimO’Neill)上周表示,“北京正在酝酿着什么”。此言引起了轰动。

7.It is a unique coincidence that this year all the BRICS countries are also members of the United Nations Security Council.我们金砖五国很巧今年都是联合国安理会成员。

8.Infrastructure, too, is under pressure, notably in India, where construction lags behind far behind that of the other Brics.基础设施也正面临压力,特别是在印度,该国的基建落后于其它金砖国家。

9.Beyond this, he did not specify whether China would take the lead in raising the issue during the BRICS summit.除此之外,他没有具体提到中国在金砖四国高层会议上是否会领头提及这个事情。

10.Makers of consumer products and companies tapping natural resources are not the only Japanese companies targeting markets beyond the Brics.并非只是消费品制造商和寻求自然资源的日本公司,在瞄准金砖国家以外的市场。