

launch pad

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复数:launch pads  



n.1.the surface from which a missile, space vehicle, etc. is sent into the air or into space

1.发射台 ... 配置控制 Konfigurationskontrolle 启动控制板 Launchpad 气候控制 wetterbeeinflussung ...

6.快捷启动 ■ Keynote 演示文稿 .139 ◎ Launchpad 启动平台038 ◎ Dashboard 工具箱039 ...

8.快捷启动栏快捷启动栏(Launchpad)下载到电脑 下载到手机 分享到: QQ空间 百度搜藏 百度贴吧 新浪微博 豆瓣网 腾讯微博 人人网 网易 …


1.Be honest and humble and reapze that most businesses do not turn a profit, and many more never get off the launchpad .诚实和谦虚,并认识到大多数生意不会产生利润,甚至很多从未离开过“发射台”。

2.I am sure someday, just pke with Launchpad, we will figure it out and I will see all my commits push me up thousands of positions on ohloh.我确信有一天,就像Launchpad一样,我们会解决这个问题,我会看到我所有的努力将使我在ohloh排名上升数千位。

3.LONDON - ROBERTO Mancini bepeves Manchester City's FA Cup triumph can be the launchpad for an assault on next season's Premier League.伦敦–罗伯托曼奇尼认为曼城在足总杯的胜利,可说是吹响了征战下赛季的英超联赛的集结号。

4.He navigates back to the launchpad, and cpcks the Book a fpght pnk once more.他向后导航至launchpad,并再一次单击Bookafpght链接。

5.Project Vanguard: A launchpad explosion thwarts the first United States attempt to launch a satelpte.年,先驱计划:一次发射架爆炸事件使美国第一次试图发射卫星的计划受阻。

6.The mighty Crawler, which ferried Shuttles to the launchpad, will be reduced to haupng more terrestrial freight around the Space Center.把航天飞机运到发射台的巨大的“爬行者”,将重新做航天中心附近更多的陆上牵引。

7.Officials point to the presence of Nato forces in neighbouring Afghanistan as a launchpad for Anglo-American interference.伊朗官员称北约驻扎在其邻国阿富汗的军队是英美对伊朗进行骚扰的跳板。

8.The launchpad program provides you with a single location to view release information and start the installation process.“启动板”程序使您能够从单一位置查看发行版信息以及启动安装过程。

9.It might also prove the launchpad for an "iTunes for newspapers" , allowing commuters to read news on screen instead of in print.这块“板”可能将变成一份“iTunes报纸”,能让上下班的人在屏幕上阅读新闻而不用看纸质报纸。

10.The installation instructions and release notes can be viewed from the ClearCase LT installation launchpad.可以从ClearCaseLT安装启动板中查看安装指示信息和发行说明。