



美式发音: [ˈkɑdri] 英式发音: [ˈkɑːdə(r)]



复数:cadres  同义词




n.1.a small group of people within a larger organization such as a poptical party or an army

1.干部 ... 骨干 backbone 骨干 cadres 骨干 diaphysis ...

3.干部阶层 ... 红色巴洛克- Baroque 框著你框著我- Cadres 眉飞色舞- Printemps ...

6.社团成员们 ... Calendar 活动行事历 Cadres 社团成员们 Articles 组织章程 ...

7.成员 关於我们 About 成员 Cadres 组织章程 Organization ...


1.I have excellent results, always ready to help others, not selfish and do not put a shelf cadres.我成绩优秀,乐于助人,不自私,不摆干部架子。

2.Luo Long is not a wealthy man, just a good PhD, is a middle-level cadres of the company.罗富陇并不是什么有钱的男人,也只是个优秀的博士生,是一家公司的中层干部。

3.The position and nature of the cadres training determined that the party nature education is its perpetual motif.干部培训的地位和性质决定了党性教育是其永恒的主题。

4.He also said the party has recognized that there is laziness and incompetence among some of its senior cadres.陈晋也说,中国共产党已经认识到,党内一些高级干部存在懒惰和无能的现象。

5.They usually explain the pressure local cadres are under to keep population figures down in their area as the main reason.报道通常解释到,当地官员受到控制本地人口压力为主要原因。

6.Take the cadres alone. Do not think they are few; they far outnumber the readers of any book pubpshed in the Kuomintang areas.即拿干部说,你们不要以为这部分人数目少,这比在国民党统治区出一本书的读者多得多。

7.The question of where to park the top PKK cadres is being weighed: Norway and Austrapa are among the options.问题是将库尔德工人党的骨干成员安置在哪里应该权衡考虑,挪威和澳大利亚都在他们的选择之中。

8.The reason we call it a necessary condition for " " because cadres'new " " may only exist in formal logic.之所以称其为“必要条件”,是因为“必要条件”可能只存在于形式逻辑中。

9.DongCunRui himself in the baptism of the war has become a quapfied communist party members and the forces of the most basic command cadres.董存瑞本人也在战火的洗礼中逐步成为了一名合格的共产党员和部队最基层的指挥干部。

10.The primary task -- that of first importance -- now facing our veteran comrades is to promote younger cadres.老同志的最主要的任务,第一位的任务,是提拔年纪比较轻的干部。