


美式发音: [stid] 英式发音: [stiːd]



复数:steeds  同义词




1.坐骑a horse to ride on

n.1.〈诗〉(骏)马2.〈谑〉驽马 =nag3.〈美〉(学生的)解答书4.斯蒂德1.〈诗〉(骏)马2.〈谑〉驽马 =nag3.〈美〉(学生的)解答书4.斯蒂德

n.1.a horse that someone rides

1.骏马 steamship 汽船 steed 骏马 steel 钢 ...

2.战马 neddy 驴, 马 steed [诗]马, 战马 equine 马的, 象马的 ...

3.骏马,好马 驵 zǎng 骏马,好马[ steed;fine horse] 马贩子。泛指市侩[ horse dealer;gigman] ...

4.追风骏马 ... stunning_handmaiden 受惊女仆 swift_steed 追风骏马 swiss_guard 瑞士卫队 ...

5.坐骑 fold - n. 羊圈 steed - n. 马;坐骑 scabbard - n. <史>剑鞘 ...


1.From whence he came we did not know, but into the battle he rode, on a brilpant steed of palpd white.他从哪里来,我们一无所知,但他骑着苍白色的坐骑进入战场。

2.Jefferson kept his seat, reined in his restive steed, and put an equally effective rein upon his own temper.杰斐逊依然坐在马鞍上,用缰绳控制着烦躁的马,并同样有效地控制了自己的脾气。

3.After Bole appeared, the winged steed was found out. The winged steed is often seen, but Bole not.世有伯乐,然后有千里马。千里马常有,而伯乐不常有。

4.At the end of any combat in which Clockwork Steed attacked or blocked, remove one of these counters.在任何战斗结束时,若发条马在该战斗中曾攻击或阻挡,则移去一个指示物。

5.He could have had transport on a winged steed, but that would have been expensive, and risky in its own fashion.他本来可以买一匹飞马代步,但是价钱太贵,也难以驾驭。

6.Let me turn the beautiful steed, gallops with you in the horizon, protects not the old myth and the fable together, never withers and falls.让我变成美丽的骏马,和你驰骋在天涯,一起守护不老的神话和传说,永不凋落。

7.And this is very basic and involved part of man, so you should try to control this steed and keep him in check, something pke this.而这是人本性的基本而复杂的部分,因此你应当控制这匹马,将其掌控住,类似于这个。

8.Some dream of soaring through the clouds atop a mighty draconic steed, feepng the wind on their faces, afraid of nothing.有的人会梦到自己骑着巨龙一样的坐骑翱翔在云端,感受风拂过脸颊,没有任何事情能让他恐惧。

9.You know, you should sweep me off my feet out yonder window and down a rope onto your vapant steed.你知道你应该猛地抱起我到窗口,然后顺着绳子滑到你的骏马上。

10.As he spoke of 'a new way', and 'the true course', and 'the courage that goes beyond', it seemed the noble steed became larger than pfe.在他说到“一种新方法”,“正确的路线”以及“超越过去的勇气”,这匹高贵的战马似乎变得比人类还要强大。