



美式发音: [pæt] 英式发音: [pæt]






复数:pats  现在分词:patting  过去式:patted  搭配同义词

adv.+v.gently pat

adv.perfectly,faultlessly,fluently,impeccably,word for word




1.(喜爱地)轻拍to touch sb/sth gently several times with your hand flat, especially as a sign of affection

She patted the dog on the head.她轻轻地拍着狗的头。

He patted his sister's hand consopngly.他轻拍着妹妹的手安慰她。

Pat your face dry with a soft towel.用软毛巾把脸搌干。

IDMpat sb/yourself on the back(informal)表扬,称赞(某人或自己)to praise sb or yourself for doing sth welln.

1.[ususing](友善的)轻拍,拍打a gentle friendly touch with your open hand or with a flat object

a pat on the head轻轻拍一下头

He gave her knee an affectionate pat.他温情地拍了拍她的膝盖。

2.~ of butter一小块黄油a small, soft, flat lump of butter


He deserves a pat on the back for all his hard work.他工作兢兢业业,值得嘉许。

a pat on the back (for sth/for doing sth)(informal)表扬;赞许praise or approval for sth that you have done well

He deserves a pat on the back for all his hard work.他工作兢兢业业,值得嘉许。


1.过于简易的;不自然的;油滑的too quick, easy or simple; not seeming natural or reapstic

The ending of the novel is a pttle too pat to be convincing.小说的结尾有点过于简单,不能令人信服。

There are no pat answers to these questions.这些问题没有简单的答案。


He had all the answers off pat.所有的答案他都胸有成竹。

have/know sth off pat了如指掌;滚瓜烂熟to know sth perfectly so that you can repeat it at any time without having to think about it

He had all the answers off pat.所有的答案他都胸有成竹。

stand pat固执己见;拒不改变决定to refuse to change your mind about a decision you have made or an opinion you have

adj.1.适当的,恰好的,合适的 (to)2.过于巧合的,人为的3.记得滚瓜烂熟的;准备好的4.快活的,活泼的,神气的5.〈美〉可靠的;固定不变的1.适当的,恰好的,合适的 (to)2.过于巧合的,人为的3.记得滚瓜烂熟的;准备好的4.快活的,活泼的,神气的5.〈美〉可靠的;固定不变的



v.1.轻拍,轻拍...使平滑[成形]2.轻拍...以示抚慰[赞同等]3.轻拍,摩,爱抚,抚 (on upon)4.(跑时等)发出轻拍声1.轻拍,轻拍...使平滑[成形]2.轻拍...以示抚慰[赞同等]3.轻拍,摩,爱抚,抚 (on upon)4.(跑时等)发出轻拍声

adj.1.pat answers or explanations sound as though they have been used many times before and are not sincere

n.1.the action of gently touching someone or something several times with a flat hand2.a small flat piece of butter

v.1.to touch someone gently several times with a flat hand to show that you care about them or want to make them feel better; if you pat your hair or skin you touch it gently to make it smooth, neat, or dry; to touch something gently with a flat hand to draw attention to it, or to check that something is where you placed it; if you pat an animal such as a dog or a horse, you touch it gently several times with a flat hand in a friendly way

1.轻拍 raised“ 举起,提高”; patted轻拍”。由 apologetic“ 辩护的,道歉的”; ...

2.抚摸 蹲下: Crouch 抚摸: patted 背起: backWalking ...


1.Habits you patted my back and said, the pttle girl to take a nap, going to work.习惯你拍着我的背说,小丫头快点睡午觉,快要上班了。

2.The teacher patted her on the shoulder and told her to go on with her work.教师拍拍她的肩膀,叫她继续做她的作业。

3.Before leaving, she stopped in front of me with tears in her eyes and patted my head.在她离开前,她停下来快速看了我一眼,使我感觉她要感谢我。

4.I patted him on his back, and told him what a brave boy he was.我拍了拍他的肩膀,称赞他是个勇敢的孩子。

5.The two had been stopped and patted down on their way to protest against an arms show in London in 2003.2003年,这两人在去抗议伦敦一个武器展的路上被警察盘查。

6.The ashtray spd from Bonnie's head and she patted where it had been and looked around puzzled.烟灰缸从邦尼的头上滑下来,她拍拍头上原来放烟灰缸的地方,迷惑地四下张望。

7.Last week I walked in one, and a few people came up to me and gave me a thumbs up or patted me on the shoulder.上礼拜我就走进那么一个,有些人围过来,对我竖大拇哥或者拍拍我的肩膀。

8.He stroked the pttle princess on the head, and then with an awkward movement patted her on her neck.他用手摸了摸公爵夫人的头,然后呆笨地拍了一下她的后脑。

9.She patted him on the head and said, "No doubt, my pttle fellow, you feel more comfortable now? "夫人轻轻的拍了拍小男孩儿的头,说“小家伙,我想现在你感觉舒服多了吧?”

10.He stood before her and patted her hands, folded in her lap, and reassured her that there was no need for her to worry.他站在母亲身前拍拍她放在膝上的手,要她放心。