


美式发音: [ˈsændər] 英式发音: [ˈsændə(r)]






1.砂轮磨光机an electric tool with a rough surface used for making wood smooth


n.1.a machine used for making the surface of wood or metal smooth

1.砂光机 Sand cloth 砂布 Sander 砂光机 Sand paper 砂纸 ...

2.桑德 sandenol 合成檀香 sander 砂磨机 Sandex 山迪司牌手表 ...

4.研磨机 Butting saw 截锯,齐头锯 Sander 研磨机 Sanding machine 砂光机 ...

5.喷沙机 油槽 sump 喷沙机 sander 喷丸室 shot blast chamber ...

6.山德 Mark/Marc 马克 战神之子 Sander 山德 Sandy 桑迪 ...


8.撒砂器 sanded-up equipment 加砂填砂设备 sander 撒砂器 sandface convolution plot 井底褶积图 ...


1.Sander Levin, chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, said the US may have to consider retapatory sanctions.美国众议院筹款委员会主席桑德·莱文表示,美国不得不考虑采取报复性措施。

2.Sander did not respond to repeated requests for comment and her namesake company decpned to comment.桑达没有回应多次的置评请求,吉尔-桑达公司也拒绝置评。

3.When the rattan bark is single sanded, the rougher the sander paper is, the rougher the surface of the rattan bark is.藤皮一次砂磨处理时,使用砂纸越粗藤皮表面越粗糙。

4.Turner smoothes wood, its with a $700 Festool hand sander that has a tiny built-in vacuum that sucks up the sawdust. No cleanup! he says.他打磨木料用的是700美元的Festool手动磨砂机,里面有个很小的内置真空吸尘器,“不用自己清理砂屑了,”他说。

5."There have to be major changes, " Sander Levin, the Democratic chairman of the House sub-committee on trade, said this week.美国众议院贸易委员会主席、民主党人桑德尔•莱文(SanderLevin)本周表示:“必须对该协定进行重大调整。”

6.Economist Sander said further gains in oil prices could pose a real risk for the global economy and, by extension, the Thai economy.桑德说,油价进一步上涨会对全球经济,进而对泰国经济,形成真实的威胁。

7.'In the history of species the lungs of today's birds and of the giant dinosaurs have the same origin, ' said Prof Sander.“在物种历史中,今天的鸟类以及大型恐龙的肺具有相同的起源,”桑德教授说。

8.The wide belt sander is a key equipment in the artificial panel manufacture industry, its grinding shelf parts are one of central parts.宽带砂光机是人造板制造业中的关键设备,其砂架部件为核心部件之一。

9.The affordable brand upped its fashion cred by luring famed designer Jil Sander to be its creative director.这个平价品牌依靠聘请著名设计师吉尔·桑德任创意总监,来为它的时尚度加分。

10.Mr Sander calculated that the net effect of pro-black preferences was actually to reduce the number of blacks who passed the bar exam.桑达教授计算过,黑人优先的净效率实际上是减少了黑人通过律师资格考试的人数。