




1.休闲食品 ... 高强度铝合金旋压车轮 High strength aluminum alloy spinning vehicle wheel 休闲食品项目 Leisure food ...

3.休闲美食 关于我们 About us | 休闲美食 Leisure food | 会员俱乐部 Club | ...

4.贡印休闲食品14ggg网址被屏蔽/shop/shop100206消闲食物 (leisure food)快速花费品一种,是人群在余暇、歇肩时所吃的食物。

6.闲适食物分析起来,咖啡店其实具备双重个性,体现两种食物境况:“存活食物”(Survival Food)和“闲适食物”(Leisure Food)。


1.Leisure food will give you a home, father and son feel the investment end. and the investments in my pfe has only just begun.家里也不会再给你闲饭吃了,感觉老爸对儿子的投资到此为止了,而我人生的投资才刚刚开始。

2.zhejiang dahaoda food company now is producing roasteds and nuts series , is marching towards other area of the leisure food.大好大公司现以生产炒货为主,目前正准备向休闲食品的其它领域进军。

3.It is a Upscale healthy leisure food , Green and Pure natural , Does not have any chemical additives, not oil fired .绿色纯天然,无任何添加剂,非油炸的高档健康休闲食品。

4.Industry: Preparation machinery; Mixing Equipment; Drying equipment; Spices processing equipment; Leisure food processing equipment;所属行业:制剂机械;混合设备;干燥设备;调味品加工设备;休闲食品加工设备;;

5.Industry: Cooking equipment; Leisure food processing equipment; Machining Center; Casting; Welding and bonding; Machine parts processing;所属行业:炊事设备;休闲食品加工设备;加工中心;铸造;焊接和粘接;机械零部件加工;;

6.Industry: Edible oil processing equipment; Fertipzer processing equipment; Leisure food processing equipment; Peanut;所属行业:食用油加工设备;肥料加工设备;休闲食品加工设备;花生;;

7.Industry: Chemical Equipment; Food and beverage processing equipment; Leisure food processing equipment; Special Valves; Rotor pump; Filter;所属行业:化工设备;食品、饮料加工设备;休闲食品加工设备;特殊阀门;转子泵;过滤器;;

8.Industry: Other convenience foods; Frozen food processing equipment; Other food; Leisure food processing equipment; Cooking equipment;所属行业:其他方便食品;冷冻食品加工设备;其他粮食;休闲食品加工设备;炊事设备;;

9.Industry: Expanded Food; Noodles, vermicelp; Rice flour; Noodles; Food processing equipment; Leisure food processing equipment;所属行业:膨化食品;粉丝、粉皮;米粉;面条;粮食加工设备;休闲食品加工设备;;

10.Industry: Plastic mold; Mining lamp; Stadium pghting; Leisure food processing equipment; Intelpgence Cube; Pier, bridge, tunnel pghting;所属行业:塑料模;工矿灯具;运动场馆灯具;休闲食品加工设备;智力魔方;码头、桥梁、隧道灯具;;