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复数:gales  同义词反义词





1.大风;飓风an extremely strong wind

The gale blew down hundreds of trees.大风吹倒了数百棵树。

gale-force winds七级以上的大风

It's blowing a gale outside(= a strong wind is blowing) .外面在刮大风。


His speech was greeted with gales of laughter.人们对他的演讲报以阵阵笑声。

gale(s) of laughter一阵(阵)大笑声the sound of people laughing very loudly

His speech was greeted with gales of laughter.人们对他的演讲报以阵阵笑声。


n.1.a very strong wind2.a sudden loud noise of people laughing

1.大风 gage pressure 表压,计示压力 (强) gale 大风(尤指八级大风) gallery over the main hall 走马廊 ...

2.盖尔 gait 步伐 gale 强风 gall 胆汁 ...

4.狂风 flame 火焰 gale 狂风(尤指八级风) hurricane 飓风 ...

5.一阵 blast 一阵(风), 一股(气流), gale 大风, (突发的)一阵 windstorm 暴风 ...

6.烈风 galaxy 星系 gale 烈风 gallery forest 走廊林 ...

7.暴风 storm 暴风 gale 大风,暴风 gustiness 狂风 ...

8.风暴 blast 一阵(强风)v.爆破,摧毁 gale 风暴,大风 hurricane 飓风 ...


1.He must have gotten into a gale and was trying to save the nets and the floats.他一定是在大风浪中努力去收回他的渔网和鱼漂。

2.And as it approached, a gale of social media messages swirled, as New Yorkers "flocked" together, trying to make sense of events.此外,当风暴逼近时,社交媒体上也刮起一阵信息旋风——纽约人纷纷“聚集”到一起,试图弄明白事态的发展。

3.Heed the North winds mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sail. When the Wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast.留心北风很猛,关上门和整理风帆。当风从东方吹来,期待更新和设置宴席。

4.I do not know where the cpmate how, can often blows gale heavy rain, whether for shelter from the rain with you.不知那里的气候如何,可否时常刮烈风降大雨,身边是否有为你遮风挡雨人。

5.Suddenly, amid all the hubbub of the gale, there burst forth the wild scream of a terrified woman. I knew that it was my sister's voice.突然,在风雨嘈杂声中,传来一声女人惊恐的狂叫,我听出那是我姐姐的声音。

6.gale to have the opportunity of visiting your company and I hope to conclude some business with you.很欢畅能有机缘拜访贵公司,但愿能与你们做成生意。

7.The gale was still blowing just as fiercely but now I was travelpng at twice the speed . . . at least for a while.风还在刮着,和先前一样强劲,但是至少有一段时间里我的速度提高了一倍。

8.But what really broke my heart was how she looked with him. She clutched his arm as if a gale might blow her away. She looked happy.但是真正让我伤心的是她跟他在一起的样子,她紧紧抓住他的胳膊就好像一阵大风要把她吹走一样,看起来很快乐。

9.The wind had piped up to a gale overnight.一夜间风力增加到八级。

10.It opens over the top of people's heads and the ribs flex with the wind, stopping it from being bent out of shape in a gale.雨伞在人的头顶上撑开,伞骨柔韧性好,在大风天气不会被吹变形。