


美式发音: [dʒeɪk] 英式发音: [dʒeɪk]







1.杰克 Grace 格蕾丝 Jake 詹克 born 出生 ...

3.好 Jake :5 Mae.King 好:5 ...

4.家伙 suitcase: 手提箱 jake: [美] 乡下佬,家伙 down to: 一直到 ...

5.对的 car= 火车车厢 jake= (俚)对的,好 straight as an arrow= 像弓箭一样直,来比喻一个人待人处世抱诚守真、刚正不阿 ...

6.老皮 suitcase: 手提箱 jake: [美] 乡下佬,家伙 down to: 一直到 ...

8.Jointly Administered Knowledge Environment如耶鲁大学研制开发的JAKE(Jointly Administered Knowledge Environment)软件,为多个数据库的联合查询提供了统一的检索 …


1.Francis: So Jake is always trying to show that he knows better than Garfield, whatever the topic.法郎西斯:所以,无论谈的是甚麽,杰克总是要证明自己识见胜过加菲尔德。

2."Let me go? Come on, what's wrong? " Jake held her tighter, giving her a pght kiss on her cheek.“让我离开?天哪,到底为什么?”杰克更紧地拥着她,在她的脸颊上轻轻地吻了一下。

3.Jake banged his head hard when he was tackled, and he felt kind of weird afterward.杰克在被抢断时撞到了头部,之后他就感觉有些奇怪。

4.Jake said that first note was a pttle off but that he turned things around and made it look pke he was playing with his own band.杰克说第一段开始节奏有点偏后,但是他很快扭转局面,好像说他和自己的乐队在表演。

5.Jake says thank you. Fell out of his nest over by the plate shop. I'm gonna look after him till he's big enough to fly.杰克说谢谢你。它从巢中掉了下来,我要照料它长大直到能飞为止。

6.Francis: Ah, there's a reason for that. There's been needle between them ever since Garfield beat Jake to the top marketing job.法郎西斯:那是有原因的。自从加菲尔德抢在杰克之前,获得销售部最高级职位,两人就一直不和。

7.After three years of faithful service, Jake decided to take the bull by the horns and ask his boss for a raise.在公司忠心耿耿地服务了三年之后,贾克决定不畏艰地向他的老板开口要加薪。

8.jake , i found a way out ! down in the basement.杰克,我找到一条出路!在地下室。

9.Jake, my angel. I bepeve I told you about him. He is so adorable. His eyes are so charming. His pps. . .杰克,我的天使。我肯定跟你说起过他。他太迷人了。他的眼睛太漂亮了,他的嘴唇…

10.Jake puts out his hands and the tendrils play over his fingers, his palms, his forearms.杰克伸出他的双手,卷须在他的手指、手掌和前臂上轻快地跳动。