



美式发音: [ˈbiˌhaɪv] 英式发音: [ˈbiːˌhaɪv]



复数:beehives  同义词




n.1.a structure in which you keep bees, and from which you collect their honey2.a hairstyle for women in which the hair is held upright in a tall round shape, popular especially in the 1960s

1.蜂房 ... 家庭宠物箱 nestin boxes for household pets 2009 蜂房 beehives 2009 蜂房底座 foundations for beehives 2009 ...

2.蜂窝 ... storeys: 楼层 beehives: 蜂窝 conurbations: 集合都市 ...

3.蜂巢 ... honeycomb background,vector art illustration 蜂窝背景,矢量艺术图 Beehives

4.巢箱 ... 产蛋箱 nest boxes 巢箱 beehives 储蜜箱 supers ...

5.蜂巢塜竖葬坑墓(shat graves)用的,它也称为「蜂巢塜」(Beehives),它是用石块或石砾一层一层的往上堆成尖锥状,其中有与地面 …

6.蜂箱系统 bazaar 义卖会 Beehives 蜂巢组 bepever 信徒 ...

8.蜂窝头至於发型部分,高耸的蜂窝头Beehives) 和后梳造型(backcombing)都是主流。翘臀珍(Jennifer Lopez)、凯特贝琴萨(…


1.The Beehive State of Utah has no more beehives than any other state.“蜂巢州”犹他州并没有比其他州更多的蜂巢。

2.Officials said there was a net over the beehives but bees still managed to escape after the truck overturned.官员称虽然蜂箱上有网子,但在车祸后这些蜜蜂还是挣脱了出去。

3.He do want to get up his strength for his journey to-morrow with that load of beehives, which must be depvered, family or no.他是想恢复点儿力气,好装上蜂箱明天赶路,不管我们是不是世家,蜂箱明天一定要送走的。

4.Healthy beehives have at least twenty-thousand bees, and that's a lot of mouths to feed.健康的蜂箱共有两万只蜜蜂,他们要喂养自己好几个月。

5.A beekeeper holds a frame from one of his beehives in Yunpn County in this undated photo.这张未标日期的照片,是位云林县蜂农满脸笑容地拿著他蜂箱里的一个框框。

6.Do not knock or throw stones at beehives to avoid attacks from bees.请勿敲打或用石块丢掷蜂巢,以免遭受攻击。

7.He used the wild bamboo that grew on his land to construct mud hut, fencing, furniture, baskets, and beehives for himself.他用在自己土地上种植竹子,为自己建造泥土小屋篱笆,傢具篮子和蜂窝。

8.It comes from beehives hung high in the forests of rural Zambia, far away from pollution, pesticides and madding crowds.它来自赞比亚乡村森林高高悬挂的蜂窝,远离污染、杀虫剂和疯狂的人群。

9.At this time, the beehives are in particular demand by farmers who have almond groves; they need two hives an acre.那个时候,蜂箱是按照拥有杏树林的农民的特殊需要,他们一英亩需要两个蜂箱。

10.'I am afraid father won't be able to take the journey with the beehives tomorrow so early. '我担心父亲明天起不了那么早,不能上路去送蜂箱啦。