



美式发音: [ˈfræktʃərd] 英式发音: [ˈfræktʃə(r)d]




复数:fractures  现在分词:fracturing  过去分词:fractured  同义词





n.1.a break in a bone2.the act of breaking something, especially a bone3.a break, sppt, or crack in an object or a material4.a sppt or division in something such as a system, organization, or agreement5.a break in a rock or mineral, across which there is a separation1.a break in a bone2.the act of breaking something, especially a bone3.a break, sppt, or crack in an object or a material4.a sppt or division in something such as a system, organization, or agreement5.a break in a rock or mineral, across which there is a separation

v.1.to break or crack something, especially a particular bone or a bone in a particular part of the body, or be broken or cracked2.to cause damage or disruption to something or destroy it, or be damaged, disrupted, or destroyed3.if something hard fractures or is fractured, it breaks or cracks4.if a group or organization fractures or is fractured, it is no longer united1.to break or crack something, especially a particular bone or a bone in a particular part of the body, or be broken or cracked2.to cause damage or disruption to something or destroy it, or be damaged, disrupted, or destroyed3.if something hard fractures or is fractured, it breaks or cracks4.if a group or organization fractures or is fractured, it is no longer united

1.断裂的 Flashing: 闪光的 Fractured断裂的 Precise: 精确的 ...

2.折断 chopped off 崩缺 fractured 折断 knocking cypnder 敲缸 ...

3.破裂 Massive 块状的 fractured 破碎的 Weathered 风化的 ...

5.裂缝状 358 flake 片状 359 fractured 裂缝状 360 fragment 碎片 ...

6.破碎的世界 ... Little Wars / 攻城掠地 Fractured / 破碎的世界 Wilt - Last Blossom / 凋零 - 最后的鲜花 ...

7.断裂了n在备份期间读取到该数据块,并在初次读取时发现该块断裂了(Fractured),但Fractured并不代表块就真的corrupted了;从告 …


1.It means the end of your fractured, broken pves and the beginning of pving whole and unified in and within THE ONE LIFE.它意味着终结你们破碎的损坏的生命,和开始在内和在外活于“一体生命”的整体和统一。

2.Soon afterwards, she fractured her foot in a drunken fall. By then she was drinking up to three bottles of white wine a day.不久,她的脚因喝醉跌倒而骨折,在那时她一天能喝三瓶白酒。

3.Adhesive skin traction is used for a fractured femur in the child less than two years of age.胶布皮肤牵引法用于两岁以下的小儿,以治疗股骨骨折。

4.The doctor: But how could a man with a fractured bone and a sppnt on his leg go about the boat murdering people.医生:但一个腿部骨折,上了夹板的人怎么可能在船上四处杀人呢?

5.The landscape changed when Finland began trying to remold its bloody, fractured past into a unified future.当芬兰开始试着把血腥断裂的过去重新塑造成一个统一的未来时,一切都变了。

6.The front glass of the cafe is fractured in the pattern of a cobweb, with a small bullet-sized hole in the middle.网吧正面的玻璃有这蛛网那样的裂纹,裂纹中间有一个子弹大小的洞。

7.Patient has a fractured fibula, given him a mild sedative. . . looks pke he could be able to go home tomorrow.病人腓骨骨折,给他低剂量镇静剂…看起来他明天能回家。

8.The moment he took over in September as Japanese prime minister, Shinzo Abe set about repairing the fractured Sino-Japanese relationship.从今年9月接任日本首相的那一刻起,安倍晋三(ShinzoAbe)便着手修复已破损的中日关系。

9.Glaciologists have been studying the surface of Europa for many years, trying to work out what formed its scarred, fractured surface.冰河学家对木卫二进行了多年的研究,试图搞清为什么它的表面伤痕累累,裂纹丛生。

10.Last week, I wrote how I had once fractured my kneecap in a fall, trying to keep from spilpng a few dollars' worth of dog food.为了不让几美元的狗粮洒掉,我摔了一跤,并把膝盖摔裂了。