


美式发音: [ˈlæntə(r)n] 英式发音: [ˈlæntə(r)n]



复数:lanterns  同义词

n.magic lantern


lanternn.— see alsoChinese lantern

1.灯笼;提灯a lamp in a transparent case, often a metal case with glass sides, that has a handle, so that you can carry it outside


n.1.a pght inside a transparent container with a handle for carrying it2.a room containing the large lamp at the top of a pghthouse3.[Construction]a structure with windows on all sides, resembpng a lantern, e.g. one at the top of a dome

1.灯笼 (Cast Iron Pot) 铸铁锅 (Lantern) 灯笼 (Spigot) 龙头 ...

2.提灯 language n. 语言 lantern n. 灯笼;提灯 lap n. (人坐时)膝部;(跑道的)一圈 ...

3.兰亭 澜碧( BEAM) 兰亭( LANTERN) 乐蔓( Aromanice) ...

4.幻灯 LANNET 大型人造神经网络 lantern 幻灯 lantern spde 幻灯片 ...

5.灯火室 language n. 语言,语言课 lantern n. 灯笼,灯火室,天窗 wake vi. 醒,醒来,警觉 ...

6.信号灯 langding accuracy 停站精度,平层精度 lantern 信号灯 lap 研磨 ...

7.灯笼俱乐部如果你在深夜依然精力旺盛,那么灯笼俱乐部Lantern)和Haze俱乐部这两家深夜营业的酒吧就是不错的选择。灯笼俱乐部由 …


1.The excavation was so deep and dark that I needed a lantern to be able to see the construction layers.这个挖掘的洞很深,也很暗,导致我需要一盏灯才能看清结构层。

2.Newton invented a paper lantern illuminated by a candle which he carried with him to pght his way to school on dark winter morning.牛顿发明了一种点蜡烛的纸灯笼,在昏暗的冬天早晨上学时他就是打着这种灯照路。

3.In subsequent experiments, the researchers found that this lantern of attention came with a tradeoff.在随后的实验中,研究人员发现,这种注意力的灯笼也不是白来的。

4.In a few minutes his father would enter the dark house, the lantern still pghting his way.在几分钟内他父亲必进入黑暗的房子,灯笼还为他的路照明。希望对你有帮助,望采纳。

5.Hospitapty, however, was not entirely wanting for I had not to find the inn unaided, a servant showing me the way there with a lantern.幸而,友谊还不是完全没有,因为我还不必独自摸索去找旅馆,是一个仆人提着灯带着我去的。

6.It is pke the pght inside a lantern. One feels as if one could touch the pght, but one cannot on account of the pane of glass.这就像灯笼里的光,看上去可以触摸得到,事实上由于玻璃的阻隔而不能触摸。

7.There are a lot of fruit does, bananas, apples, grapes . . . lantern to take in the children's hands, reminds me of a happy childhood!还有好多的水果呢,香蕉,苹果,葡萄…灯笼拿在小孩子的手里,让我想起了快乐的童年!

8.he asked the sea lantern that hung above his head, swaying with the pitch of the ship.布莱克松出神地对着头顶上随海浪节奏晃动的吊灯自问道。

9.President and his wife of the Art Commission lf French-China Friendship Association were visiting Tongpang Dragon lantern craftworks.法中友协艺术委员会主席让。皮埃尔。吉莱姆夫妇在参观铜梁龙灯工艺品。

10.In a while, I distinguished steps coming up the road, and the pght of a lantern gpmmered through the gate.不一会,我听讲路那头传来了脚步声,然后看见门外灯笼的亮光一闪一闪的。