

retaliate:[英 [rɪˈtælieɪt] 美 [rɪˈtæliˌet] ]


过去式:retaliated;   过去分词:retaliated;   现在分词:retaliating;

retaliate 基本解释

不及物动词回敬; 报复,反击



retaliate 相关例句


1. The terrorists retaliated by killing three policemen.


retaliate 网络解释

1. retaliate是什么意思

1. 报复:社会身份认同是打了烙印的个体或群体中的一场争斗中的被树立者,更通常地说,作为关于分类的潜在之物的范围(insofar)内的任何个体或群体,只可以报复(retaliate)那些限制了它通过给予聚焦(在它的自我定性之中,

2. retaliate

2. 反击,报复:requisition征用 | retaliate反击,报复 | retaliation反击,报复

3. retaliate什么意思

3. 被物理攻擊後將反彈傷害給對方:RESURRECT:随機將一張墓地卡回歸至檯面上 | RETALIATE:被物理攻擊後將反彈傷害給對方 | RUSH:每回合使我方隨機等待中的一張牌減少等待時間


4. 报复,反击:retailer 零售商 | retaliate 报复,反击 | retard 延迟,放慢

retaliate 双语例句

1. retaliate

1. NOTE: People and nations only rise in vitriolic complaint against Israel when Israel dares to retaliate against murder and destruction!


2. So long as I survive in the world, I cannot retaliate you.


3. If you are rude to me, I will retaliate with equal rudeness.


4. retaliate的解释

4. If you strike me, I shall retaliate.


5. With the case I'm working on now I think they might retaliate.


6. retaliate在线翻译

6. I did not retaliate as I felt, that Adam must have been weak to succumb and must take equal responsibility.


7. If the Chinese want to retaliate all they have to do is jump up and down all two billion of them at the same time.


8. They attack and rob other people, but if you retaliate, they will say it is racism.


9. retaliate

9. It`s really no your profit to retaliate a romance with your cradle-to-grave happiness.


10. retaliate是什么意思

10. I want to make it clear that we did not retaliate with infantile acts...


11. Most jurisdictions allow legal actions, civil and/or criminal, to deter various kinds of defamation and retaliate against groundless criticism.


12. Speaking to reporters Tuesday, senior members of al-Shabab said their fighters will retaliate for the commando raid that killed Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan.


13. Speaking to reporters Tuesday, senior members of al-Shabab said their fighters will retaliate for the commando raid that killed Saleh Ali Nabhan.


14. I hope that he will retaliate I am, forced open the door, will I curse roundly meal - such things will become easier to become better.


15. Against such emboldened forces, Sunni insurgents and elements of Saddam Hussein`s former regime would retaliate with their weapon of choice: car-bomb attacks against Shi`ite markets, shrines, police stations and recruiting depots.


16. retaliate的反义词

16. He didn't try to retaliate. He moralized.


17. Love is the only thing in which we can retaliate with God...


18. Others to retaliate in the same way.


19. It lasts Taiwan to be handsome to wanton woman good face and the unsmooth to stature that cause from envy have not envying to envying standing up, envy changing direction to retaliate against.


20. Suggests: I lift both hands to approve you retaliate.


retaliate 词典解释

1. 报复;反击

If you retaliate when someone harms or annoys you, you do something which harms or annoys them in return.

e.g. I was sorely tempted to retaliate...


e.g. Christie retaliated by sending his friend a long letter detailing Carl's utter incompetence...



Police said they believed the attack was in retaliation for the death of the drug trafficker.

警察说他们认为这次袭击是针对那个毒犯的死实施的报复。retaliate 单语例句retaliate的解释

1. Analysts predicted the trade watchdog could retaliate but no details had come to light last week.

2. But that doesn't mean it will not retaliate or counterattack if another country tries to hijack its national interests.

3. Besides the size of the compensation, a key question is whether Brazil will be allowed to " cross retaliate ".

4. The move aims to encourage local city management personnel to refuse to retaliate when cursed at or attacked.

5. Syria said it could retaliate for the September 6 violation of its territory and has denied reports that Damascus may have received DPRK nuclear aid.

6. Shortly after the Financial Times report, official sources told China Daily that Beijing will retaliate if Brussels takes such actions.

7. The US has thrown its full support behind the ROK's moves to retaliate, which also include bringing the DPRK before the UN Security Council.

8. Israel did not retaliate for the mortar and rocket barrages, and officials said they would give Abbas a chance to rein in the gunmen.

9. DPRK threatened earlier this month to retaliate for ROK military's use of photos of leader Kim Jong Il's family for shooting practice.

10. If it does intercept, the DPRK may retaliate by shooting down any future satellite launched by Japan.

retaliate 英英释义


1. make a counterattack and return like for like, especially evil for evil

e.g. The Empire strikes back

The Giants struck back and won the opener

The Israeli army retaliated for the Hamas bombing

Synonym: strike back

2. take revenge for a perceived wrong

e.g. He wants to avenge the murder of his brother

Synonym: revengeavenge