

stout:[英 [staʊt] 美 [staʊt] ]



stout 基本解释

形容词结实的; 强壮的; 勇敢的; 坚定的

名词烈性黑啤酒; 胖子; 特大号


stout 同义词


stout 反义词



stout 相关例句


1. I bought a pair of stout boots.


2. He has a stout makeup.


3. stout什么意思

3. The soldiers on the island put up a stout resistance.


4. They launched a stout attack.


stout 网络解释

1. stout的翻译

1. 斯托特:正是由于这个原因,斯托特(Stout)把所有这些事件规作是主要记忆(primarymemory)的结果,或者,称之为主要保持(prima-ryretentiveness),即为再现观念(reproductiveideal)而保留了记忆这个术语.

2. 黑啤:几乎所有的澳大利亚啤酒公司的啤标上写的最大的字,除了公司名称,就是啤酒类型,如:贮藏啤酒(LAGER)、黑啤(STOUT)、爱尔(ALE)、生啤(DROUGHT)、出口(EXPORT).

3. 黑啤酒:其保存期一般为2~6个月按啤酒的颜色分啤酒按其颜色可分为黄啤酒和黑啤酒黄啤酒(Beer)是啤酒中的最主要品种,呈浅黄色其酒度为3~5度,麦芽汁浓度10°~12°黑啤酒(Stout)是以烘烤得较焦的麦芽为原料经发酵后酿成的啤酒,

4. 烈性啤酒:呵口感有区别,但一般人喝不出来, 价格的问题, 严格来讲,小瓶的是啤酒,大瓶的发泡酒,酒精度和麦汁浓度都略高,小瓶还有啤酒税,外加营销策略和心理因素,瓶装啤酒可以分为 淡啤酒(Lager)、重味啤酒(Ale)、烈性啤酒(Stout)三个大类.

stout 双语例句

1. In a long military coat, with his enormously stout figure and bent back, with his white head uncovered, and his blind white eye, conspicuous in his puffy face, Kutuzov walked with his waddling swaying gait into the ring and stood behind the priest.


2. stout的翻译

2. Having neither opium nor hashish on hand, and being desirous of filling his brain with twilight, he had had recourse to that fearful mixture of brandy, stout, absinthe, which produces the most terrible of lethargies.


3. And he who is stout-hearted among the mighty men Will flee away naked in that day, Declares Jehovah.

2:16 到那日,勇士中最有胆量的,必赤身逃跑,这是耶和华说的。

4. No wonder we conclude that organized living is best left to the childless, the single, or to incredibly stout-hearted parents!



5. Peasants are trained from the hard-working and stout-hearted citizens that live in the numerous kingdoms of Lordaeron.


6. stout什么意思

6. On the other hand, the converse is also true: low past returns create an opportunity for the stout-hearted investor.


7. The transmission of Chinese culture to non-Chinese is made more difficult because the Chinese language is harder to learn and master except for the stout-hearted.


8. Stout-hearted even after age 100, Minagawa would drink some Japanese sake or other alcoholic beverage every day.


9. The oak was near a comer formed by two hedges, and in the angle was a narrow thorny gap, presently an old woman, very upright came through this gap carrying a faggot on her shoulder and a stout ash stick in her hand.


10. Meat Hook deals Normal damage which is reduced by the target's Armor and is blocked by Stout Shield, Vanguard and Kraken Shell.


11. Pinkish purple, multi_ petalled; flowers in clear layers with flat round buds, narrow stiff leaves in pale green, stout branches, spreading.


12. Cocktail is a stimulating liquor composed of spirits of any kind, sugar, water, and bitters--it is vulgarly called a bittered sling and is supposed to be an excellent electioneering potion, inasmuch as it renders the heart stout and bold, at the same time that it fuddles the head.

鸡尾酒是组合了任何类型的烈酒、砂糖、水和苦啤酒的刺激烈酒,粗俗的人称它为bittered sling,并认为它是极佳的竞选良药,因为它会导致大胆和鲁莽,同时使头脑混乱。

13. David Stout and Brian Knowlton in Washington contributed reporting.


14. The boys of Kilkenny are stout roaring blades.


15. In new campus, belief is new, goes to strike the sky because of new fertile soil will give us to a pair of especially stout wing, ; In new campus, the fond dream is new, our fond dream will previous tier altitude more in moisture because of fostering a dew in new one wheel education.


16. stout是什么意思

16. A stout, middle-aged man, with enormous owl-eyed spectacles, was sitting somewhat drunk on the edge of a great table, staring with unsteady concentration at the shelves of books.


17. The red panda has pointed ears, stout limbs, and plantigrade feet (heel and toe touching the ground) with partly retractile claws and woolly soles.


18. Lessing, who is stout, sharp and a bit hard of hearing, excused herself to go inside.


19. Mrs. Reed might be at that time some six or seven and thirty; she was a woman of robust frame, square-shouldered and strong-limbed, not tall, and, though stout, not obese: she had a au rora -can.


20. He has given our people stout hearts and strong arms with which to strike mighty blows for freedom and truth.


stout 词典解释

1. 肥胖的;肥壮的

A stout person is rather fat.

e.g. He was a tall, stout man with gray hair.


2. 结实的;厚实的;粗壮的

Stout shoes, branches, or other objects are thick and strong.

e.g. I hope you've both got stout shoes...


e.g. The old man picked up a stout stick that lay by his feet.


3. (行动、态度或信念)坚定的,坚决的,强有力的

If you use stout to describe someone's actions, attitudes, or beliefs, you approve of them because they are strong and determined.


e.g. He produced a stout defence of the car business...


e.g. The invasion was held up by unexpectedly stout resistance.



She stoutly defended her husband during the trial.


...stoutly anti-imperialist nations.


4. 烈性黑啤酒

Stout is a strong dark-coloured beer.

e.g. ...Guinness and other Irish stouts.


stout 单语例句

1. At the other end of the field, stout German defense held off repeated challenges.

2. Gwyneth Paltrow is also partial to downing a few pints of the black stout when she has night off from motherhood duties.

3. Such a score is unlikely at Bethpage Black, a stout test even when the US Open is not in town.

4. " The old armchair thought that gay people destroy unit camaraderie and cohesion is just wrong, " Stout said.

5. She declined to comment about Stout, saying the Army doesn't comment on specific cases.

6. About 60 percent said they envisaged him as thin and short while 40 percent visualized him as stout and short.

7. Our hopes rest on Professor Zhu because we share his stout resistance to bureaucratization, and admire his record as an independent thinker.

8. Walking through the farms of Ruzhou, one will find a tidy and clean environment with stout and healthy livestock.

9. The Spanish actress is a huge fan of the Irish stout, but admits she can't drink more than one without feeling the effects.

10. " We're taking bold action to respond to changes in the defense business environment, " said Lockheed spokesman Joe Stout.

stout 英英释义


1. a garment size for a large or heavy person

2. a strong very dark heavy-bodied ale made from pale malt and roasted unmalted barley and (often) caramel malt with hops


1. euphemisms for `fat'

e.g. men are portly and women are stout

Synonym: portly

2. dependable

e.g. the stalwart citizens at Lexington

a stalwart supporter of the UN

stout hearts

Synonym: stalwart

3. having rugged physical strength

inured to fatigue or hardships

e.g. hardy explorers of northern Canada

proud of her tall stalwart son

stout seamen

sturdy young athletes

Synonym: hardystalwartsturdy