

trigger:[英 [ˈtrɪgə(r)] 美 [ˈtrɪɡɚ] ]


过去式:triggered;   过去分词:triggered;   现在分词:triggering;   复数形式:triggers;

trigger 基本解释

名词(枪)扳机; 起动装置,扳柄; 引发其他事件的一件事; [电子学]触发器,触发电器

及物动词引发,触发; 扣…的扳机; 发射或使爆炸(武器或爆炸性弹药)

trigger 相关例句


1. His action has triggered off a crisis.


2. trigger什么意思

2. He accidentally triggered his rifle.


3. A spark triggered the explosion.



1. trigger的反义词

1. Some people say that violent movies are potential triggers for juvenile delinquency.


2. trigger什么意思

2. He pulled the trigger and the bottle was shot to pieces.


3. The odour of food may be a trigger for man's appetite.


trigger 网络解释

1. trigger:trig; 触发触发器

trigger 双语例句

1. trigger什么意思

1. He tossed away the power to back down quickly, chair of the bars to play in the Okanagan Malacca cane, the bodyguard is not enough time to pull the trigger and so on machine, walking stick has been knocked out in the ground.



2. Sword Specialization: This talent`s free extra attacks can no longer trigger additional extra attacks.



3. Sword Specialization: This ability can no longer trigger off of itself.


4. trigger的解释

4. Sword Specialization can no longer trigger more than once per 6 seconds.

剑专 6秒内最多一次。

5. The results are consistent with the interpretation that positive intangible information tends to trigger institutional herding on the buy side.3. The securities Investment Funds act as momentum traders in bear market while as contrariant traders in bull market. Further analysis reveals that momentum trading by investment funds intensifies stock return momentum but stock price experiences a long-term reversal. It indicates return momentum results from mispricing instead of risk. The securities Investment Funds hamper market efficiency when they act as momentum traders.4 Both momentum trading and herding behavior intensify market anomalies and hamper market efficiency. However, momentum trading or herding behavior is the only one of the many aspects of the institutional investor.


6. trigger的近义词

6. Foreign Credit Interchange Bureau 2005 Dumping: Inexpensive imports often trigger accusations of dumping, that is selling goods overseas for less than in the exporter's home market or at a price below the cost of'production, or both.


7. Severe stress, such as the death of a loved one, divorce, or job loss can also trigger a panic attack.


8. trigger的翻译

8. Through using digital phase tracing technique and exceed zero trigger method, we can get different sequencable trigger pulse through changing software.


9. This statement means that when the parts_on_hand column of a row in the inventory table is updated, fire the trigger.

此语句表示,当 inventory 表内数据行的 parts_on_hand 列被更新时触发器将被触发。

10. The trigger units also were upgraded - from original stamped steel with plastic grip to the all-plastic units, integral with grip, and with various fire modes and marking.


11. Dr. Spritz postulates that NALP1 could be involved in initiating the inflammatory response and/or cell apoptosis following exposure to some environmental trigger, and research is under way to elucidate the underlying cellular mechanisms.



12. To adjust the brake side throttle setting, push the throttle trigger all the way to the brake side and watch the cursor direction change to the brake side.


13. The purpose of this information is to trigger one's personal ancestral karma for forgiveness and transmutation.


14. Thus, auxin appears to be a versatile trigger of preprogrammed developmental changes in plant cells.


15. An increase of these acute changes caused by mental and physical stress after an earthquake might trigger obstructive thrombus in coronary arteries in the elderly.



16. This version of the non-deep ice dance Shadow Master thieves were grams of very dead, the fire would like to win a large extent, law depends on the stun, sprint, magic batter can be a passive trigger, Austrian law would like to win, I summed up the two circumstances: first, to Hong war dance video hands are refrigerator, the refrigerator should be turned out not to be cutting as much as possible, and then opened strong with Austrian shells screen - fire red - shells hit the order screen, the disappearance of the ice ring thief, ice went as far as possible from the post code of the local thieves Reading 5-8 sheep, the disappearance of the hair, such a situation are more variable and, at this point first.


17. trigger的反义词

17. Regarding to the short and tragical marriage with Mr. FrankSu, I never think I was out of mistakes. The major unwiseness was I rushed into a blind mirrage without enough understandings of Mr. FrankSu and his family; Also even I know I had no any deep feelings about Mr. FrankSu, still I wish to mainly play the role as getting good treatments-it was very selfish; and I failed to improve his mental health but trigger him explode the devil side in his mind, it is NEVER what I hope for but unfortunatly happened.


18. TXT_KEY_EVENT_TRIGGER_RIFLED_CANNON_1 Our knowledge of rifled barrels has been successfully applied to new cannon designs.



19. Objective To probe into whether concrete operating processes of treating trigger finger with small needle knife reported in current literature are correct or not.

目的 探讨目前文献介绍的小针刀治疗狭窄性腱鞘炎的操作方法是否正确。

20. The experiment was designed to indicate target sites that may trigger readthrough when occupied. Also, conditions were used to maximize PNA uptake and optimal detection of nonsense suppression.


trigger 词典解释

1. (枪的)扳机

The trigger of a gun is a small lever which you pull to fire it.

e.g. A man pointed a gun at them and pulled the trigger.


2. (炸弹的)引爆器

The trigger of a bomb is the device which causes it to explode.

e.g. ...trigger devices for nuclear weapons.


3. 引爆;启动;触发

To trigger a bomb or system means to cause it to work.

e.g. The thieves must have deliberately triggered the alarm and hidden inside the house...


e.g. The one thousand pound bomb was triggered by a wire.

那颗重达 1,000 磅的炸弹是由一根导线引爆的。

4. 引起;发动;促使

If something triggers an event or situation, it causes it to begin to happen or exist.

e.g. ...the incident which triggered the outbreak of the First World War...


e.g. The current recession was triggered by a slump in consumer spending…


5. 诱因;起因;引发…的原因

If something acts as a trigger for another thing such as an illness, event, or situation, the first thing causes the second thing to begin to happen or exist.

e.g. Stress may act as a trigger for these illnesses.


trigger 单语例句

1. Market analysts said price hikes by the two companies will trigger panic buying, which will help reduce stockpiles and sales losses for the two companies.

2. The therapist therefore advocates looking for things that trigger laughter in daily life and activating the laugh reflex.

3. That is a price I can afford to pay, compared with further exposure to the deadly diseases that smoking can trigger.

4. Increased capital inflows will also trigger asset bubbles, bringing more risks to China's economy.

5. DBS Bank's Chan cautions investors against a reversal in capital flows, which could trigger sharp corrections in local asset prices.

6. Inaction might trigger further problems of deeper economic downturn, higher unemployment rate and more capital flight.

7. Flight engineers said a set of tiny explosives did not trigger the capsule's parachutes, although the fact that all the explosives failed pointed to another cause.

8. There are some dishes that capture the heart with a first taste, when titillated taste buds trigger off a sentimentality for that instantly warm fuzzy feeling.

9. Its ongoing enrichment could act as a trigger for the UN Security Council, which had set Thursday as the final day for Tehran to freeze such activity.

10. The soaring price of rare earths will also trigger global players to cash in on the valuable minerals.

trigger 英英释义


1. an act that sets in motion some course of events

Synonym: inductioninitiation

2. lever that activates the firing mechanism of a gun

Synonym: gun trigger

3. a device that activates or releases or causes something to happen



1. release or pull the trigger on

e.g. Trigger a gun

2. put in motion or move to act

e.g. trigger a reaction

actuate the circuits

Synonym: tripactuateactivateset offspark offsparktrigger offtouch off