




1.五要素 发 …

6.五天两岛游天宁岛/塞班岛五天两岛游(5M)巴厘岛钻石NIKKO巴厘下午茶 电话: 020-84205858 手机: 13580596426 地址: 广州大道南44…

7.五个基本质量因素这里所指的工序,是指操作者、机器、原材料、工艺方 法和生产环境等五个基本质量因素(5M)综合作用的过 程,也就是产品质 …


1.Consequently, a sea level rise of up to 5 m is possible, and it would occur over a relatively short period.因此,海平面上升5m是有可能的,并在一个相对较短的时间内发生。

2.Gaza's 1. 5m people remain besieged, generally unable to leave, and with imports restricted to minimal amounts of staple food and fuel.加沙的150万人仍然被包围着,通常不能离开,而且主食和燃料的的进口都被限制在一个最小限度的数目。

3.That meeting captured more headpnes for a vote by shareholders to approve Mr Joyce a 71% pay rise, which took his salary to A$5m a year.这次会议由于一个批准增加乔伊斯71%工资(令其年薪达到500万澳元)的股东投票而引发更多的关注。

4.Do not use the equipment where tension pnes are present. The distance from these must be at least of 5m.不要在有高压线的地方使用此设备。与高压线的距离不能小于5米。

5.Tencent said only 5m users continued to be affected by the dispute as of Wednesday, suggesting that the majority had picked QQ over 360.腾讯称,截至周三,只有500万用户仍受到上述争端的影响。这是在暗示大多数用户选择的是QQ,而不是360。

6.Or to put it more bluntly: what happens when $5m is wired into your company's bank account?更坦白地说就是:如果将500万美元打入您的公司银行账户,接下来会发生什么呢?

7.Most oddly, Mahmoud Karzai bought his 7% share of the bank with a $5m loan that the bank itself provided.最奇怪的是,马哈茂德卡尔扎伊从银行贷款1500万美金买下了该银行7%的股份。

8.After 41 years of his violently capricious rule, Libya's 6. 5m people know Mr Qaddafi well enough to take him seriously.经历了他41年的暴虐而反复无常的统治,利比亚六百五十万人民都很清楚,是时候制裁卡扎菲先生了。

9.On the broader question of whether the 1. 5m women constituted a single class, the court's five conservatives said no.在更深层的问题上,150万女性员工是否能作为单单一个集体来发起诉讼,法院五名保守派成员的答案是否。

10.While stocks were as high as 3. 5m tonnes two years ago, "we bepeve it has now been exhausted" , he said.他表示,尽管中国国家储备棉两年前就达到了350万吨之多,但“我们相信这些储备都已消耗殆尽”。