


网络释义:玉柴国际;中国青年报(China Youth Daily);何秀兰


1.玉柴国际由  2004  7 8  In 2004 China Youth Daily(CYD) cooperated with Research Center for China Science Evaluation (RCCS…

3.何秀兰 ... 395729=0,ZNZ_CYQKL, 博弈K线长度, 657873=0,ZNZ_CYD, 承接因子, 920017=0,ZNZ_CKD, …

6.因子指标  承接因子指标CYD),也称市场信心指标是从筹码分布演化而来的一个指标,其市场含义就是以当天的换手率需要多少天才 …


1.Later in her career, Cyd Charisse performed song and dance acts with her second husband, Tony Martin.在她演艺事业的后期,西黛.查利斯还和她的第二任丈夫托尼.马丁一起唱歌、跳舞。

2.nor authorized either [DOC] Co. or [CYD] Co. to act as its advertising agent, for which reason it is not a relevant party to this case.更没有授权[DOC]公司或[CYD]公司作为我方的广告代理人,因此,我方与本案无关。

3.and exclusivity of the draft contract between [DOC] Co. and [CYD] Co. and it is not admissible as evidence.公司与[CYD]公司的草拟合同不具有真实性、排他性,不可作为证据使用。

4.The Panel discussed the progress report on the CYD.事务委员会讨论青年发展中心进度报告。