



美式发音: [ˈbraʊni] 英式发音: ['braʊni]






n.1.[Food]a type of flat chocolate cake, served in squares2.a member of the girl scouts of the united states of America, aged from six to eight years of age3.[Myth]a small sprite that does helpful works at night

1.布朗尼 麺创房无敌家 Mutekiya Ramen,Ikebukuro Tokyo 布朗尼 Brownies Biscuits( 饼干) (14) ...

2.核仁巧克力饼靠卖蚊香.卫生纸(当时的饭店是不提供这些的!)自制布郎尼(Brownies)蛋糕及啤酒的杂货店,当年Made及荷兰籍的老公Peter是 …

4.棕仙,比如上面提到的上古精灵;后者则习惯单独生活,比如棕仙Brownies)或者爱尔兰的鞋妖精(Leprechauns)。不过,要详 …

5.朱古力布朗尼 奇异果米饭吉士杯 Kiwi custardin glass 朱古力布朗尼 Brownies 香蕉杏仁饼 Banana Almond c…

6.巧克力糕饼 ... 4. rise 发酵 5. brownies 巧克力糕饼 6. angel food cake (用面粉、白糖和鸡蛋作成的)天使蛋糕 ...

7.布朗尼丫布朗尼 ... 个人专属披萨( VIP Pizza) 布朗尼丫布朗尼Brownies) 极简幸福。司康( Sco…

8.巧克力布朗尼巧克力布朗尼brownies)通常都是做成一块很大的方形的蛋糕再切成小块。不过这样的“大手笔”对两个人的家庭是无法在短时 …


1.It would be nice to have brownies to share the next day with the people at the shoelace factory.明天带去鞋带厂给大家尝尝,大家肯定也会很高兴。

2.Every once in a while, I crave garpc mashed potatoes or gooey chocolate brownies and I go for it!有时候我很想吃蒜香土豆泥或者粘粘的巧克力蛋糕,我就会吃。

3.I have a constant stream of customers to talk to: I haven't been this popular since the time I brought chocolate brownies into the office.不断地有顾客和我说话,自从那次我带了巧克力软蛋糕到办公室以来,我很久没有这么受欢迎了。

4.Lf that's one of your special brownies, don't let any of the dolphins eat that.还有你那些巧克力,不要给海豚吃。

5.Remove the chocolate brownies from the oven to the table, and let them cool down in room temperature.蛋糕烤好了,从烤箱中取出,放到桌上,在室温下自然冷却。

6.The brownies can be stored in an airtight container for up to 4 days or frozen for 1 month.这个布朗尼可以在密封容器里放4天或者冷藏一个月。

7.She led me to a table and brought me some depcious Sumatra coffee and espresso brownies.她把我领到一张桌子边,给我端上一些美味的苏门答腊咖啡和意大利蛋糕。

8.He was glad to bury the brownies on such a bright sunny day.他很高兴在这样一个阳光明媚的日子埋葬那些蛋糕。

9.Or you go off the food plan, inhale two brownies, and go hungry for the rest of the day.要么干脆放弃你的节食计划,狼吞虎咽吃下两块巧克力蛋糕,而后一整天都饿肚子。

10.marinate your steak to add a great new flavour. You can also add fresh grounds to chocolate cakes and brownies for a richer flavour.你还可以在巧克力蛋糕和果仁巧克力蛋糕加入新鲜的咖啡渣,会更美味。