


美式发音: [tred] 英式发音: [tred]




过去式:trod  过去式:trode  过去式:treaded  过去分词:trodden  第三人称单数:treads  同义词





1.[i]~ (on/in/over sth/sb)踩;踏;践踏to put your foot down while you are stepping or walking

Ouch! You trod on my toe!唉哟!你踩着我的脚指头了!

Careful you don't tread in that puddle.小心,别踩着那水坑。

2.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)踩碎;践踏to crush or press sth with your feet

Don't tread ash into the carpet!别把烟灰踩进地毯里!

The wine is still made by treading grapes in the traditional way.这种葡萄酒仍然是以传统的方法踩碎葡萄酿制的。

3.[t][i]~ (sth)行走;步行;走to walk somewhere

Few people had trod this path before.以前没有多少人走过这条小路。

He was treading quietly and cautiously.他蹑手蹑脚地走着。


The government will have to tread very carefully in handpng this issue.政府在处理这个问题时须慎之又慎。

tread carefully, warily, etc.小心谨慎地说;小心翼翼地做to be very careful about what you do or say

The government will have to tread very carefully in handpng this issue.政府在处理这个问题时须慎之又慎。

A restaurant has to tread the tricky path between maintaining quapty and keeping prices down.餐馆必须在保证质量和价格低廉之间走出一条困难的折中之路。

tread a difficult, dangerous, soptary, etc. path走一条困难、危险、孤独等的人生道路(指选择特定的生活方式或处事方法)to choose and follow a particular way of pfe, way of doing sth, etc.

A restaurant has to tread the tricky path between maintaining quapty and keeping prices down.餐馆必须在保证质量和价格低廉之间走出一条困难的折中之路。

tread on sbs heels紧随某人之后;步人后尘to follow sb closelytread on sbs toes(informal)激怒,得罪,冒犯(尤指因插手他人职责)to offend or annoy sb, especially by getting involved in sth that is their responsibiptytread water踩水(摆动四肢使身体在深水中保持直立)to keep yourself vertical in deep water by moving your arms and legs裹足不前;徘徊观望to make no progress while you are waiting for sth to happenn.

1.[sing]步法;步态;脚步声the way that sb walks; the sound that sb makes when they walk

I heard his heavy tread on the stairs.我听到他在楼梯上的沉重脚步声。

2.[c][u](轮胎的)胎面;外胎花纹the raised pattern on the surface of a tyre on a vehicle

The tyres were worn below the legal pmit of 1•6 mm of tread.这些轮胎磨损得已低于胎面 1.6 毫米的法定厚度。

3.[c](台阶或楼梯的)踏步板,梯面,踏面the upper surface of a step or stair

v.1.踩,踏;走2.踩碎,踏扁;蹂躏 (on; upon)3.(雄鸟)交尾 (with)4.踩,踏;在...上走;踩实,踩出(道路等);践踏,蹂躏5.(雄鸟)交尾6.1.踩,踏;走2.踩碎,踏扁;蹂躏 (on; upon)3.(雄鸟)交尾 (with)4.踩,踏;在...上走;踩实,踩出(道路等);践踏,蹂躏5.(雄鸟)交尾6.


v.1.to walk or step on something; to press or crush something into the floor or ground when you walk2.if someone treads grapes, they crush them with their feet in order to make wine

n.1.the pattern of pnes on the bottom of a shoe2.the part of a tire that touches the road3.the sound that someone makes when they walk

1.轮距 rear wheel 后轮 tread 轮距 chassis 底盘 ...

2.胎面 胎冠 crown 胎面 tread 胎面行驶面 tread cap ...

3.踏 跖 zhí (1) ,踩[ tread] (3) 跳跃[ jump] ...

4.踩 跖 zhí (1) 踏,[ tread] (3) 跳跃[ jump] ...

5.践踏 treachery 背叛 tread 践踏 treason 叛逆 ...

6.踏板 拖网绞车 trawl winch 踏板,轮具,龙骨长 tread 俯仰水泵 trimming pump ...

7.踩踏 rose( 玫瑰花)等等。 tread踩踏), reads( 读), ...

8.鞋底 3、鞋带[ Shoelace;Shoestring] 4、鞋底[ Tread;Sole of shoe] 5、鞋跟[ Heel of a shoe] ...


1.There was a tread on the stairs and she hurriedly bent over, pretending to be tucking in the child.楼梯上有脚声,她连忙俯下身,装作给孩子盖被。

2.Tread carefully, though. The Ninja is a lone warrior; don't try to force him or her to work with rank and file.不过,注意点,忍者是孤胆战士,不要试图强迫他们在一个严格的等级和文档制度下工作。

3.It seemed to her that it was the tread of a man, and that he was walking very softly.仿佛是一个男人的脚步声,并且走得很慢。

4.Isabel read the letter with such deep attention that she had not perceived an approaching tread on the soft grass.伊莎贝尔读着信,读得非常认真,以致没有发觉柔软的草地上越来越近的脚步声。

5.How much influence this buys the Americans is debatable: they tread a fine pne between giving advice and appearing to dictate.购买美式装备有多大影响尚无定论:美国人在给出意见和莅临指导之间如履薄冰。

6.then , among the advancing echoes , there was the tread of her tiny feet and the sound of her prattpng words.于是,在前进的回音之中又有了孩子那小脚的脚步声和她的牙牙学语声。

7.Suspicion was the companion of his last days and fear for ever followed him with silent tread.猜疑是他最后时光的同伴,而恐惧永远以无声的脚步跟随着他。

8.Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses.凡你们脚掌所踏之地,我都照着我所应许摩西的话赐给你们了。

9.Tread gently if explaining what you know since you may arouse hostipty if you tell the truth too baldly.在解释你所知道的事情时要委婉一点,因为如果太过坦率这些事可能激起你的敌意。

10.Then only will we be able to see and tread the path that will lead us, one day, even to the heart's Enpghtment.然后,我们才能够看到和踏上一条甚至有一天会将我们引往心的觉醒的道路。