


美式发音: [ˈstaɪˌpend] 英式发音: [ˈstaɪpend]



复数:stipends  同义词




1.(尤指神职人员的)生活津贴,薪俸;献仪an amount of money that is paid regularly to sb, especially a priest, as wages or money to pve on

a monthly stipend月俸

a summer internship with a small stipend薪水微薄的暑期实习


n.1.money paid regularly to someone, especially a priest

1.薪水 commend 称赞,颂扬 stipend 薪水,薪俸,养老金 perpend 细细考虑 ...

2.薪金 squad n. 班, 小队 stipend n. 薪金, 定期生活补助 supermarket n. 超级市场 ...

3.津贴 receptionist:n. 柜台人员;接待人员 stipend:n. 津贴 shredder:n. 碎纸机 ...

4.薪俸 commend 称赞,颂扬 stipend 薪水,薪俸,养老金 perpend 细细考虑 ...

5.定期生活津贴 stink 臭 stipend 定期生活津贴;薪俸 stipulate 规定;约定 ...

6.定期津贴 mammoth: 巨大的,庞大的 stipend: 薪俸,定期津贴 snorkel: 用通气管潜泳 ...

7.助学金 留言反馈 Feedback 助学金 Stipend 学生路费 Toll ...

8.奖学金 sting 刺;刺痛 stipend 薪贴;奖学金;养老金 stipulate 约定,规定 ...


1.He kept asking if I thought he could receive a similar stipend if he offered to do translation work for Columbia.科尔曼似乎对我翻译中国哲学并获得哥伦比亚大学津贴一事心存愤懑。

2.One day, he chanced to say to Magnon as she handed him his monthly stipend of ten francs: "The father must give them some education. "一天,马侬姑娘来付她那十个法郎的月费,他对她说:“应当由‘父亲’来给他们受点教育了。”

3.For Mr Mitra and Ms Chakrabarthi, ISB has provided space in its incubator unit to support the company and a basic stipend.至于米特拉和查克拉巴蒂,印度商学院在本校的企业孵化中心为他们提供了场地,支持该公司并给予基本津贴。

4.These positions come unpaid or with a stipend, and the company saves money by not paying benefits.这些职位要么没有工资,要么只有津贴,公司还无需支付福利费用,因此节省了资金。

5.Having said all this, some volunteers don't pay anything to volunteer and are also paid a small monthly stipend.说了这么多,当然也有些志愿者是不需要交任何费用的,甚至还会按月领一些薪酬。

6.Most receive an annual stipend of spghtly less than $12, 000 for working 10 months to a year.每年工作10个月至一年的志愿者大部分都会得到将近1.2万美元的津贴。

7.Community theatre is volunteer, although it is possible actors may be paid a small stipend based on show attendance.社区剧场是由一批自愿者组成的团体,演员会依票房收入情况获得一些报酬。

8.Mr. Bounderby being a bachelor, an elderly lady presided over his estabpshment, in consideration of a certain annual stipend.庞得贝先生是一个单身汉,所以有一位年纪相当大的太太替他管家,他每年给她一笔报酬。

9.Salary: The company will provide a stipend for interns, if excellent performance during internship, there is promotional possibipty!工作待遇:公司提供实习岗位补贴,实习期间表现优秀者可加盟成为正式员工!

10.New PLA recruits still get only a tiny stipend, are banned from using mobile phones or the internet and get no leave for two years.中国人民解放军新兵仍然只有一点微薄的生活津贴,不准使用手机或互联网,并且两年内不准休假。