


美式发音: [ɪˈloʊp] 英式发音: [ɪˈləʊp]



第三人称单数:elopes  现在分词:eloping  过去式:eloped  同义词反义词


v.run away,run off,escape,decamp,abscond



1.[i]~ (with sb)私奔to run away with sb in order to marry them secretly

v.1.(女人)私奔 (with)2.逃亡;出走

v.1.if two people elope, they go away secretly to get married

1.私奔 lofty 极高的;崇高的 elope 私奔 lubricate 使润滑 ...

2.逃亡 elongate 拉长,延伸 elope 私奔,逃亡 eloquent 雄辩的 ...

3.出走 elongationpass 延伸孔型 elope 私奔, 潜逃, 出走 elopement 潜逃, 私奔 ...

4.私奔,出走 dump v. drop carelessly 倾倒,把…砰地一扔 elope v. run away from home 私奔,出走 environ n. surrounding 周围,附近 …

5.一路跑-私奔 submarine 潜水艇 elope 一路跑-私奔 Cupid cupid 贪婪的 ...

6.淫奔 淫辱〖 rape(seduce)andinsalt〗 淫奔elope〗 淫辞,淫词〖 excessiveunrealwords〗 ...


1.One of my Gemini friends convinced his fiance to elope with him, the day before their marriage.我的一个双子朋友曾说服了他的未婚妻在婚礼之前私奔。

2.He lay in wait for the girl when she was walking home one day and accosted her, begging her to elope with him.一天,在这个女孩回家的路上,他藏起来等着她,和她搭话,求她和他一起私奔。

3.Elop said that none of the employees will lose their jobs this year, and that the personnel transfers would be made "over time. "Elope说这些员工今年是不会离职的,而且人事调动也会随时间逐步实施。

4.However, their famipes are basically at war, so the couple plans to elope and marry secretly with the help of a few trusted confidants.所以这对情侣在几位心腹密友的帮助下,计划私奔并秘密结婚。

5.As his blog post says, he plans to "elope" or run off with his mistress, leaving behind his wife, family and friends.就像他在博客中写的一样,他打算和情人“私奔”或离开,撇下他的妻子、家庭和朋友。

6.In the king's absence he persuaded Helen to elope with him to Troy.趁着国王不在,帕里斯说服海伦与他一起私奔到特洛伊城。

7.It tells the story of a: xiao so with a mill HuaLian guru taught worshipping the moon sister to elope, had a son, XiaoYi mood.它讲述了这样的一个故事:萧逝水与拜月教的华莲教主妹妹私奔,有一子,萧忆情。

8.But what is so wickham screening nasty, or even to lure darcy's sister to elope with him.而韦翰的所作所为又是那么地令人不齿,甚至想诱使达西的妹妹和他一起私奔。

9.And you just have to say the word and we could elope tomorrow, if you wanted to.只要你说出那个字,我们明天就可以私奔,只要你愿意的话。

10.That's why many American fathers joke they would rather hold the ladder for their daughter to cpmb down and elope than pay for a wedding.这就是为什么许多美国的父亲开玩笑说,他们宁愿为女儿私奔架梯子,也不愿支付婚礼的庞大开销。