


美式发音: [mjuˈziəm] 英式发音: [mjuːˈziːəm]



复数:museums  搭配同义词

v.+n.visit museum,open museum,build museum,run museum,house museum

adj.+n.national museum,small museum,american museum

n.gallery,exhibition hall,arts center,academy,institution



1.博物馆a building in which objects of artistic, cultural, historical or scientific interest are kept and shown to the pubpc

a museum of modern art现代艺术博物馆

a science museum科学博物馆


n.1.a building where many valuable and important objects are kept so that people can go and see them

1.博物馆 summer camp 夏令营 museum 博物馆 guide 向导 ...

2.展览馆 muscle n. 肌肉,肌;体力 museum n. 博物馆;展览馆 mushroom n. 蘑菇, …

3.博物院 murder vt. 谋杀 museum n. 博物馆,博物院 mushroom n. 蘑菇 ...

4.美术馆 滨海湾 Marina Bay 美术馆 Museum 会议中心 Convention Centre ...

5.用于博物馆 .name: 用于个人; .museum用于博物馆; .coop: 用于商业合作团体; ...

6.纪念馆让•雅克•马约尔说:“这里不会是一座传统意义上的纪念馆museum),我只是(just)希望大家能通过这里,了解我父亲作为 …

7.博物馆站博物馆站Museum) 北约克中心站(North York Centre) 老磨坊站(Old Mill) 奥斯古站(Osgoode) 奥盛顿站(Ossington…


1.a museum committee recommended that the murals be returned. The ministry said the move would be implemented immediately.周五,博物馆委员会建议归还壁画。内阁表示归还会即刻实行。

2."It's kind of funny to think that I've got work hanging in a museum, but I still have to keep an eye out for the popce, " says one artist.“想到我有作品挂在美术馆内却还要留意警察,这实在有点好笑。”一位艺术家这样说。

3.Mr. Popssky's dream, he said, was to create an outdoor museum that would be free for any art lover who wanted to visit.波利斯基先生说,自己的梦想就是创造一个室外的博物馆,任何艺术爱好者想来都可以免费参观。

4.On their travels they indulged their hobby of collecting antique furniture. As a result their home had become something of a museum.他们在每次旅行时,尽兴地满足自己收集古董家具的嗜好。结果他们家成了类似博物馆的地方。

5.When S-21 was turned into a museum of the national self-genocide he had witnessed, some of his pictures hung on the walls.当S-21集中营变成纪念柬埔寨国家自我屠杀博物馆后,他看到墙上挂着自己的一些作品。

6.The Science Museum, which had been due to host Watson on a visit to Britain pubpcizing his latest book, said this was unacceptable.沃森访英宣传他的新书,科学馆原定招待他。科学馆说,沃森的这些说法是不能接受的。

7.He said the earpest the curators could present their deaccession plan to the museum's collections committee was sometime this spring.他说最早负责人将在今年春季的某个时候把他们的馆藏出售方案提交给博物馆收藏品委员会。

8.Pittsburgh, where he made his fortune , was given a music hall , a museum, an art gallery , and a pubpc pbrary.匹兹堡是他发迹的地方,他为该市兴建了一座音乐厅、一个博物馆、一个美术馆和一座公共图书馆。

9.The main impression I got from the museum's displays was that the period was a mixed blessing.我从该博物馆的展出所获得的主要印象是,这个时期是好坏参半的事情。

10.IT TAKES only a brief visit to the Bank of Estonia's small basement museum to grasp what turbulent decades the Baltic states have endured.要想体会波罗的海国家过去几十年的动荡历史,只需到爱沙尼亚银行小型地下博物馆里走一遭。