


美式发音: [-'pæŋ] 英式发音: [ʃəʊ'pæn]




n.1.【人】肖邦,Frédéric Francois,1810-1849,波兰钢琴家及作曲家

n.1.[Celebrity]Frédéric François Chopin, 1810-1849, Popsh pianist and composer

1.肖邦 11 Ravel:The Waltz 拉威尔:圆舞曲 12 Chopin:Grande Waltz 箫邦:华丽大圆舞曲 ...

5.波兰舞曲 波里尼 -《肖邦:波兰舞曲》( Chopin: Polonaises) 波里尼 -《肖邦:练习曲》( Chopin: Etudes) ...

6.波肖邦 W.Gillock[ 美]威廉·吉洛克 Fr.Chopin[ 波]肖邦 F.J.Gossec[ 比]戈塞克 ...

7.萧邦精选 ... 02李斯特:钟( Liszt:La Campanella) 03肖邦:幻想即兴曲Chopin:Fantaisie-I…


1.Our story today is called "A Pair of Silk Stockings. " It was written by Kate Chopin. Here is Barbara Klein with the story.我们今天的故事叫“一双丝筒袜”,作者凯特。肖邦,这里是芭芭拉。克蕾恩为您播讲。

2.He said he looked up to Chopin.他说他崇拜萧邦。

3.A teacher was pleasantly surprised to find that Chopin had drawn a superb portrait of him in class.肖邦的老师曾非常惊奇地发现肖邦在课堂为他作了一幅极好的肖像画。

4.It was an evening with music by Chopin, played by a Chinese pianist whose name is Fou Ts'ong, a name I had never heard before.那是一个夜晚,(从收音机里)传来了肖邦的音乐,演奏者是一位来自中国的钢琴家,名叫傅聪——我从来就没有听说过这么一位演奏家。

5.Chopin's polonaises brought the musical form to a higher level than anyone had envisioned the musical style to be capable of.肖邦的波兰舞曲将这一音乐形式带到了更高的层次,这是没有人预见到的。

6.Chopin's last request was that the Popsh soil in the silver goblet be sprinkled over his grave.肖邦最后的遗愿是将银杯中祖国波兰的泥土撒在他的墓碑上。

7.Yet Chopin is remembered today not for his suffering, but as one of the great musical masters of the Romantic period.然而,他的痛苦不为人熟知,但人们依旧记得他是浪漫主义时期最伟大的音乐大师之一。

8.Like Johann Sebastian Bach and Claude Debussy, he never wrote a bad piece, and today Chopin's music is more widely loved.和巴赫、德彪西一样,他从未写过失败之作,时至今日肖邦仍广受喜爱。

9.CHOPIN: NOCTURNES One of the idiosyncrasies of music history is the number of composers who flowered far from their native soil.肖邦:夜曲音乐历史的特质之一就是那些在远离本土也能够盛名远播的作曲家的数量。

10.In fact, Belpni was one of Frederic Chopin's favorite composers.事实上,贝里尼是弗里德里克·肖邦最喜爱的作曲家。