




1.最后一人 65 Fairy Law( 妖精的法律) 155 Last Man最后一人) 185 Ice Boy( 冰之子) ...

2.末人真善的善?这样一来,尼采以及很多现代哲学家所说的“最后的人”(last man)是否就是西方现代性的必然终局?我们不得而知。

4.最后一员 信任 Trust 最后一员 Last Man 接近凯文 Kevin Approaches ...

5.最后一个人们对Neo的理解是怎样的,齐泽克说过Neo是那个"最后屹立不倒的人"(Last Man),就是一个Übermensch.尼采,斯宾若沙都把Über…

7.正因为你的话语 139 死亡 GP 154 正因为你的话语…… 155 LAST MAN 179 行动代号 ETD ...


1.Brian was the default candidate for CEO, the last man standing, and he was a controversial choice that not everyone bepeved in.布赖恩是CEO的默认人选,最后一个屹立不倒的人,他是一个存在争议的人选,并不是所有人都信任他。

2.There was one who was shouting: "Let us exterminate them to the last man and die at the point of our bayonet. "有一个大声喊道:“让我们把他们歼灭到最后一个!让我们死在我们的刺刀尖上!”

3.I had known you a month before I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry.在认识你一个月后我就知道你绝不可能娶我。

4.He ended by saying, 'He was going for re-enforcements, while you men here, must be prepared to fight to the last man to stop the Japanese.最后他说:「它回去是为了增援,而在这里的人们子,必须准备战斗至最后一人,以阻止日本人。」

5."The last man must have gone through all right, " said the officer on the left. "I don't see his car anywhere. "“开前一辆车的人肯定是安全通过了,”左边的警察说,“到处都没看到他的车。”

6.Stephen is the last man to do such a thing with a grudge.史提芬是最不可能怀恶意做这种事情的人。

7.The last man to leave the sinking ship was the captain.最后一个离开正在下沉轮船的人是船长。

8.and I had not known you a month before I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry.我还没有认识你一个月,就觉得象你这样一个人,哪怕天下男人都死光了,我也不愿意嫁给你。

9.He was the last man to leave the classroom.他是最后一个离开教室的。

10.But he was "the first man in my pfe, the last man, the only man. "但是“他是我一生之中第一个,最后一个,也是唯一一个男人。”