


美式发音: [ˈrevəri] 英式发音: ['revəri]



复数:reveries  同义词




1.幻想;白日梦;梦想a state of thinking about pleasant things, almost as though you are dreaming

She was jolted out of her reverie as the door opened.门一开就把她从幻想中惊醒。


n.1.pleasant thoughts that make you forget what you are doing or what is happening around you

1.幻想 gaucherie 笨拙 reverie 幻想,梦幻曲,白日梦 falsie 假发,假胡须 ...

2.梦幻曲 concerto 协奏曲 reverie 梦幻曲 serenade 小夜曲 ...

3.幻想曲 永恒- Eternal 幻想曲- Reverie 自由- Freedom ...

4.梦想 Q - Queen of the seas 海上霸王[废] R - reverie 梦想 S - sea robber 海贼 ...

5.白日梦 gaucherie 笨拙 reverie 幻想,梦幻曲,白日梦 falsie 假发,假胡须 ...

6.幻知曲 宇航员的床垫 (瑞典)海丝腾 Hastens-- 最昂贵的蓝白格 (美)幻知曲 Reverie-- ...

7.沉思 poetic 诗(人)的;富有诗意的 reverie 幻想;白日梦;沉思 pathway 小路;小径 ...


1.Then Claire looked up and broke my reverie as she said softly, "Grandpa, someday I'll come back. " She paused.Claire看着我,她甜美的声音打断了我的思绪:“爷爷,总有一天,我也要回来。”

2.Once upon a time this was called the American Dream. Nowadays it might be called America's Fitful Reverie.从前这就是所谓的美国梦,现在可以称作恍恍惚惚的白日梦。

3.Happily for her companion, she wanted no answer. Her mind was entirely self-engrossed. She was in a reverie of sweet remembrances.算她的同伴幸运,她并不要求回答。她在全神贯注地自我回顾,陶醉于甜蜜的回忆之中。

4.It is time you came out of your reverie and began to think down-to-earth.现在是你停止空想,面对现实的时候了。

5.Poor man, she said now, and for a moment, lost in his reverie, Teacher Fei wondered if he had told her about the avenging daughter.可怜人,母亲说道,然后有一刻又陷入自己的沉思中。范老师想不起自己是不是已经把女儿复仇的故事告诉了母亲。

6.The Egyptian sank into an intent reverie, which did not seem to present to him any clear or satisfactory suggestion.那个埃及人全神贯注地陷入了沉思,可是似乎怎么也想不出任何稳妥或满意的建议。

7.He met a woman in her 90s who would sometimes spp into a reverie, her hands moving constantly.他见到一位90多岁的老妇人时常做白日梦,她的手不停地比划着。

8.She was jolted out of her reverie as the door opened.门一开就把她从幻想中惊醒。

9.I was just about to make a pttle bow of assent, assent, when the meaning of the last words sank in, jolting me out of my sad reverie.我正准备微微鞠躬表示赞同的时候,才逐渐意识到这最后几个词的意思,从而从可怜的幻想中摆脱出来。

10.A single rap on the door snapped Tom from his reverie. Frank Davis immediately let himself in.咚的一声敲门声让汤姆从沉思中回过神来。弗兰克戴维斯迅速走了进来。